Narcissist example sentences

Related (9): Egotistical, self-centered, vain, self-obsessed, conceited, self-important, self-loving, self-admiring, self-absorbed.

"Narcissist" Example Sentences

1. John is a notorious narcissist who constantly talks about himself.
2. The boss is a narcissist who always takes credit for the team's work.
3. Emily realized she was dealing with a narcissist when her friend only talked about themselves during their conversation.
4. It's difficult to work with a narcissist because they always think they're right.
5. The politician's behavior made it clear that he was a narcissist.
6. Narcissists tend to have a hard time empathizing with others.
7. Jane's ex-boyfriend was a narcissist who made everything about himself.
8. Narcissists often struggle with maintaining healthy relationships.
9. Dealing with a narcissist can be exhausting because they crave constant attention.
10. Josh's girlfriend was a narcissist who cared more about her appearance than their relationship.
11. Narcissists think they're special and above the rules that apply to everyone else.
12. David found out his girlfriend was a narcissist when she constantly posted selfies on social media.
13. It's common for narcissists to be jealous of others and feel entitled to what they have.
14. It's hard to get through to a narcissist because they believe they're always right.
15. Lauren's boss was a narcissist who undermined her work in order to take credit for it.
16. Narcissists often lack empathy because they're so focused on themselves.
17. It's frustrating to work with a narcissist because they're always trying to make themselves look good, even if it's at someone else's expense.
18. The narcissist's behavior made it clear that they didn't care about anyone else's feelings.
19. It's not uncommon for narcissists to use others to get what they want.
20. Narcissists have a tendency to manipulate others in order to get their needs met.
21. The therapist realized that their patient was a narcissist after several sessions.
22. Dealing with a narcissist can be challenging because they prioritize their own needs over anyone else's.
23. Narcissists often have a grandiose sense of self-importance.
24. It's clear that the celebrity is a narcissist because of their constant need for attention and admiration.
25. Jordan's roommate was a narcissist who constantly made everything about themselves.
26. Narcissists can be hard to spot at first because they often come across as charming and charismatic.
27. It's not uncommon for narcissists to lack self-awareness and not see how their behavior affects others.
28. The narcissist's need for control often leads to them sabotaging others in order to stay on top.
29. Grace's ex-husband was a narcissist who cared more about his own needs than their children's.
30. Narcissists often suffer from an inflated self-image that doesn't align with reality.

Common Phases

1. He's such a narcissist; always talking about himself.
2. She only cares about herself; typical narcissist behavior.
3. You can't reason with him; he's a complete narcissist.
4. Her Instagram is full of selfies; she's a total narcissist.
5. He thinks he's better than everyone else; classic narcissist trait.
6. She's always seeking attention; textbook narcissistic behavior.
7. He doesn't care about anyone but himself; a true narcissist.
8. She's obsessed with her appearance; another sign of narcissism.
9. He never takes responsibility for his actions; typical of a narcissist.
10. She needs constant admiration and praise; a behavior commonly seen in narcissists.

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