Embitteredness example sentences

Related (3): resignation, resentment, bitterness

"Embitteredness" Example Sentences

1. The embitteredness in his voice was evident.
2. Her embitteredness towards her former boss was understandable.
3. He couldn't hide his embitteredness towards his ex-girlfriend.
4. There was a hint of embitteredness in her tone.
5. The embitteredness in his eyes was only too familiar.
6. She spoke with an embitteredness that suggested she had been hurt before.
7. His embitteredness towards the company continued to grow.
8. She tried to hide her embitteredness but failed to do so.
9. The embitteredness in his heart made it hard to trust anyone.
10. His embitteredness was evident in his every action.
11. She couldn't let go of her embitteredness, no matter how hard she tried.
12. The embitteredness had taken over his entire being.
13. He was consumed with embitteredness over the injustice he had suffered.
14. Her embitteredness had turned her into someone else entirely.
15. His embitteredness was palpable, even from afar.
16. She couldn't help but feel embitteredness towards the unfairness of life.
17. The embitteredness in her heart was like a poison that wouldn't go away.
18. His embitteredness was a result of years of being mistreated.
19. She was consumed with embitteredness towards her ex-husband.
20. His embitteredness had made him unapproachable and distant.
21. She was trying to overcome her embitteredness, but it was a difficult journey.
22. The embitteredness had clouded his judgment and affected his decision-making.
23. His embitteredness had made him a shell of his former self.
24. She couldn't imagine ever getting over the embitteredness she felt.
25. His embitteredness had turned him into a bitter, angry man.
26. She was tired of carrying the burden of embitteredness in her heart.
27. His embitteredness had caused him to lose his faith in humanity.
28. She wished she could let go of the embitteredness and move on.
29. His embitteredness had robbed him of his joy and happiness.
30. She hoped that one day she could rid herself of the embitteredness and find peace.

Common Phases

1. The embitteredness felt by Jane was palpable; it seemed to ooze out of her every pore.
2. Despite his success, there was a sense of embitteredness in John's tone as he spoke about his experiences.
3. The embitteredness in their relationship was evident; they could no longer stand to be in the same room as each other.
4. Mary tried to hide her embitteredness, but it was clear from the look on her face that she was seething with anger.
5. The embitteredness in his words was unmistakable; he had been hurt deeply by those he trusted.
6. The embitteredness caused by their past mistakes had crept into every aspect of their lives.
7. The embitteredness in his heart was a constant reminder of the pain he had endured.
8. The embitteredness of their rivalry had become all-consuming; they could not see beyond their own animosity.
9. Despite her best efforts, the embitteredness in her soul seemed to grow stronger with each passing day.
10. The embitteredness between them was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

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