Employee example sentences

Related (7): worker, colleague, laborer, jobholder, personnel, hireling, subordinate

"Employee" Example Sentences

1. The employee swiped his ID card to gain entry to the building.
2. The company provides health insurance benefits for all full-time employees.
3. The employee handbook outlines company policies and procedures.
4. The business wishes to reward and retain valuable employees.
5. Employees received a cost of living wage increase this year.
6. The new hiring manager interviewed several potential employees.
7. Many companies offer bonuses to reward productive employees.
8. Vacation time and sick leave are benefits provided to employees.
9. The disgruntled employee was fired for inappropriate behavior.
10. The employee worked diligently to complete his assignments on time.
11. The employee evaluations were used to determine merit raises.
12. Most employees receive direct deposit of their paychecks.
13. The long-time employee was given an award for years of service.
14. A human resources department oversees issues related to employees.
15. Part-time employees worked limited hours and did not receive benefits.
16. The company held an appreciation event to recognize employees.
17. HR provides resources and assistance to employees.
18. The laid-off employees received severance packages.
19. The employer must comply with labor laws that protect employees.
20. The manager handled issues and concerns brought to her by employees.
21. Some employees were asked to work overtime to meet a deadline.
22. Employees swiped in and out each day using a time clock.
23. Employee discounts are a common perk at some companies.
24. The employee handbook outlined rules and guidelines for conduct.
25. Some employees formed a union to collectively bargain with management.
26. The fired employee was escorted out of the building by security.
27. New employees undergo orientation and training before starting work.
28. Productive employees are an asset to any company.
29. Employee theft is a problem at some businesses.
30. Disgruntled employees create an unhappy and unproductive workplace.
31. Some employees were traveling for work during the week.
32. Employee reviews provide feedback and identify areas for improvement.
33. Employees must clock out for all meal and rest breaks.
34. The new employee's first day on the job was today.
35. Some gig economy employees are classified as contractors, not employees.
36. Drug tests are often required of new employees.
37. Raises and promotions help motivate hard-working employees.
38. Employees enter and exit the building through designated doors.
39. Long lunch breaks bothered other employees who had to cover for the long lunch break.
40. Absenteeism negatively impacts other employees and company productivity.
41. Many employees telework one or more days per week.
42. Some employees received company shares as part of their compensation.
43. The CEO addressed employees at the annual company meeting.
44. Employees filed into the conference room for the mandatory meeting.
45. Employee assistance programs help employees deal with personal issues.
46. Prompt employees arrive at work on time each day.
47. High turnover means hiring and training new employees frequently.
48. The injured employee filed a workers' compensation claim.
49. New employees had to submit official documents to prove eligibility to work.
50. Employees work collaboratively to achieve goals and meet deadlines.
51. Employees scan their badges to gain access to secure areas.
52. The employee handbook outlined the company's policies regarding harassment and discrimination.
53. The company provided uniforms for certain employees.
54. Remote employees primarily worked from home or a satellite office.
55. Occasional employees are called in when needed to supplement the full-time staff.
56. Retiring employees received a gold watch and cake in the break room.
57. The manager reminded employees to submit their expense reports by the end of the month.
58. Employees were instructed to park in the designated employee parking lot.
59. Unemployed job seekers sent resumés in hopes of interviewing for open employee positions.
60. The long-time employee announced his retirement to his coworkers.

Common Phases

1. The company hired several new employees last month.
2. The employee handbook outlines company policies and procedures.
3. Employees receive an annual performance review.
4. Employees are required to clock in when they arrive for work.
5. Employee benefits include health insurance and paid vacation.
6. The employee discount applies to all goods sold in the company store.
7. The CEO met with senior employees to discuss business strategy.
8. The human resources department oversees employee relations.
9. All employees must undergo mandatory sexual harassment training.
10. Employees were happy with the 5% annual raise.
11. Some employees work from home on Fridays.
12. The hardest working employee was promoted to manager.
13. The company picnic was a fun event for employees and their families.
14. Employees were grateful for the unexpected holiday bonus.
15. Current employees receive priority for open positions within the company.
16. The employee lounge has a fridge, microwave and vending machines.
17. New employees undergo an orientation and training program.
18. The employee break room needs to be updated and redecorated.
19. Employees can deduct associated expenses from their taxes.
20. Customer service employees received the most complaints last quarter.
21. Each employee was given a gift card for the holidays.
22. The long-term employee was honored for 20 years of service.
23. A disgruntled employee filed a lawsuit against the company.
24. The union represents the employees in collective bargaining negotiations.
25. The employee cafeteria serves affordable lunches daily.
26. New government regulations will impact company employees.
27. Ongoing layoffs has employees concerned about job security.
28. The janitorial employees cleaned the building each night.
29. Female employees complained of gender discrimination in the workplace.
30. A new time clock system tracks employee hours and attendance.
31. The dissatisfied employee submitted a letter of resignation.
32. The employee mistakes resulted in costly rework and delays.
33. All employees received an email about the new smoking policy.
34. Applicants must provide references from previous employees.
35. The supervisor addressed concerns raised by several employees.
36. The factory employees work 12-hour shifts on an assembly line.
37. The HR representative met with employees to discuss compensation.
38. Employees cannot leave work early without approval from a manager.
39. Remote employees utilize video conferencing for meetings.
40. A glass door separates the employees from customers at the bank.
41. Employee theft has increased over the past year.
42. The accounts receivable employees process incoming payments.
43. Employee surveillance cameras were recently installed in the warehouse.
44. The new hire will become the fifth employee on the housekeeping staff.
45. Remote employees connect to the office network via VPN.
46. The productivity of employees has decreased this quarter.
47. We aim to hire and retain the best employees in the industry.
48. The raise for employees did not keep up with inflation this year.
49. Employee engagement and morale are at an all-time low.
50. The CEO met with key employees to announce the merger.
51. Come grow with us as part of our thriving employee team!
52. Many employees failed the required drug test.
53. Promoting from within empowers current employees.
54. There are diverse career paths for motivated employees.
55. Employees were surveyed to gather feedback on recent changes.
56. The manager wrote up several employees for being late.
57. Telecommuting options meet the needs of a changing employee base.
58. The high turnover rate shows issues retaining valuable employees.
59. Many current employees are eligible for retirement soon.
60. Automation will likely eliminate some existing employee roles.

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