Endowed example sentences

Related (10): blessed, gifted, furnished, equipped, supplied, provided, invested, granted, conferred, bestowed

"Endowed" Example Sentences

1. She was endowed with great beauty and kindness.
2. Nature endowed him with remarkable physical strength.
3. The island was endowed with rich natural resources.
4. The child was endowed with an artistic spirit from a young age.
5. Some are endowed with high intelligence while others have different gifts.
6. The university was endowed with a generous donation by an alumnus.
7. She was endowed with the gift of making others feel comfortable and welcome.
8. Her writing was endowed with an unusual command of language.
9. The land was endowed with fertile soil and plenty of freshwater.
10. The singer was endowed with a beautiful and powerful voice.
11. They were endowed with an abundance of land and wealth.
12. His speech was endowed with wisdom and insight.
13. The professor was endowed with a remarkable ability to make difficult topics understandable.
14. The country was endowed with plenty of natural resources but little prosperity.
15. Her smile was endowed with the power to light up an entire room.
16. The girl was endowed with exceptional athletic abilities from a young age.
17. Their family was endowed with an illustrious lineage.
18. The novel was endowed with rich characterization and evocative prose.
19. His argument was endowed with irrefutable logic.
20. The skills were endowed with the ability to stimulate the imaginations of children.
21. They were endowed with health, wealth, and happiness.
22. The historical site was endowed with cultural and spiritual significance.
23. The flower was endowed with a beautiful and intricate design.
24. The poet was endowed with an unusual sensitivity to human emotions.
25. Her work was endowed with a sense of higher purpose.
26. Their mansion was endowed with lavish furnishings.
27. The land was endowed with a remarkable abundance of natural beauty.
28. The politician was endowed with great oratorical skills.
29. The performer was endowed with exceptional charisma and charm.
30. His invention was endowed with the potential to change the world for better.
31. The scenic vista was endowed with breathtaking beauty.
32. The heirloom was endowed with great sentimental value.
33. The legacy was endowed with inspiration and hope.
34. Nature had endowed her with abundant physical charms.
35. Her ability was endowed with tremendous potential.
36. The work of art was endowed with profound symbolism.
37. The university was endowed with a spirit of free intellectual inquiry.
38. Their personalities were endowed with an unusual balance of passion and reason.
39. The coat of arms was endowed with symbolic meaning.
40. The monument was endowed with historical and political significance.
41. The city was endowed with great cultural wealth.
42. His disposition was endowed with kindness and generosity.
43. Their marriage was endowed with mutual respect and affection.
44. The team was endowed with great talent and championship spirit.
45. The heirloom was endowed with intrinsic historical value.
46. The sculpture was endowed with aesthetic grandeur.
47. The nation was endowed with immense political freedom.
48. The experiment was endowed with the potential to yield valuable discoveries.
49. The animal was endowed with remarkable instincts for survival.
50. The foundation was endowed with funds to support medical research.
60. The religious festival was endowed with ancient spiritual traditions.

Common Phases

1. She was endowed with a beautiful singing voice.
2. Nature had endowed him with great physical strength.
3. The birthright endowed her with special powers.
4. The gods had endowed him with supernatural gifts.
5. She was endowed with more than her fair share of beauty and charm.
6. His mind was not richly endowed with great intellectual gifts.
7. The gifted child was endowed with innate talent.
8. He was not generously endowed with wisdom.
9. The founder endowed the university with a large sum of money.
10. The position came with certain privileges endowed upon it.
11. The heir was endowed with the estate upon turning 21.
12. Her fortune was well endowed with assets.
13. He endowed the charity with a huge donation.
14. The professor endowed the students with knowledge.
15. The donor endowed the museum with a valuable collection.
16. She was richly endowed with empathy and kindness.
17. The throne was endowed with great power and riches.
18. I set up an endowed scholarship fund for underprivileged students.
19. Nature has endowed humans with reason and intellect.
20. Mother Nature had endowed her with grace and poise.
21. She endowed each artwork with her own emotional imprint.
22. The piano is the instrument she was most endowed to play.
23. The ugly duckling dreamed of being endowed with beauty.
24. The land had been endowed with spectacular natural beauty.
25. The story endowed the characters with rich symbolism.
26. Her genes had endowed her with great musical talent.
27. Life endowed me with both joy and sorrow.
28. Her parents endowed her with a solid moral foundation.
29. The novel endowed tragic events with deeper meaning.
30. Ancestors had endowed the valley with abundant wildlife.
31. He generously endowed the university with a new science building.
32. The crown jewels were endowed with mystical powers.
33. The flute seemed to be the instrument she was most endowed to play.
34. The destiny endowed upon him seemed unfair and unjust.
35. The position came with responsibilities and privileges endowed to it.
36. She endowed the violin with a haunting voice.
37. The throne was endowed with divine right and unlimited power.
38. The family endowed a scholarship fund in their name.
39. We are endowed with freedom of choice and free will.
40. The ancient relics were endowed with supernatural powers.
41. The job came with perks and privileges endowed upon the holder.
42. The grant will help to set up an endowed research fund.
43. Nature had endowed him with artistic gifts.
44. She endowed her daughter with resiliency and strength.
45. The tale endowed simple objects with magical properties.
46. Her upbringing had endowed her with confidence and self-esteem.
47. The family endowed a new professorship at the university.
48. Her family had endowed her with many values.
49. The tale endowed common objects with mystical powers.
50. The piano seemed to be the instrument she was most endowed to play.
51. His nature was endowed with grace and serenity.
52. He endowed her with the ability to stand on her own two feet.
53. The museum was endowed with a valuable new collection.
54. The gods had endowed him with supernatural powers.
55. The coronation endowed the king with divine authority.
56. She endowed each piece with profound emotional content.
57. Her composition was endowed with deep feeling and passion.
58. The artifact was endowed with mystical powers.
59. The job came with certain privileges and perks endowed upon the position.
60. The heir was endowed with the family fortune.

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