Endowment example sentences

Related (10): grant, donation, trust, fund, bequest, inheritance, subsidy, gift, legacy, fundraise

"Endowment" Example Sentences

1. The university received a large endowment from a wealthy donor.
2. The college used the endowment money to fund new scholarships.
3. The foundation manages several endowments for charitable causes.
4. The endowment money helps provide a consistent source of funding.
5. The organization's long-term sustainability depends on growing its endowment.
6. The benefactor left her entire estate to the charity as an endowment.
7. The research institute's endowment allows them to fund important scientific studies.
8. The endowment was meant to provide funds in perpetuity.
9. The museum depends on the income from its endowment to cover operating costs.
10. The college's endowment was invested in a diversified portfolio.
11. The wealthy philanthropist pledged a $50 million endowment gift.
12. Their endowment income enables them to operate without charging admission fees.
13. The charity aims to build a substantial endowment to cushion against economic hardship.
14. Most endowments require that only the annual income be spent, leaving the principal intact.
15. The college hoped the generous endowment would help boost its reputation and rankings.
16. The family endowed a professorship in memory of their deceased relative.
17. Their endowment was decimated by losses during the financial crisis.
18. The school uses endowment income to provide need-based financial aid.
19. The theater depends on its endowment to fund new productions.
20. The endowment money helps fund cutting edge research and educational programs.
21. The scholarship was endowed by a wealthy alumnus.
22. The foundation's mission is to steward the endowment wisely and responsibly.
23. The woman pledged the bulk of her estate to endow a new wing at the museum.
24. The endowments provide long-term stability and resources.
25. The foundation aims to grow the endowment through new gifts and responsible investing.
26. Endowment gifts are often restricted to specific purposes by the donor.
27. The endowment fund generated significant income over the years.
28. Many academic institutions rely heavily on endowment income for operating revenue.
29. The school needed a larger endowment to attract top faculty and students.
30. The library depends on endowment income to purchase new books and materials.
31. The endowment generated enough income to cover 20% of the college's operating budget.
32. Her generous endowment gift allowed the school to build a new science wing.
33. The endowed chair allowed the college to hire a world-renowned researcher.
34. The endowments help fund important programs and services in perpetuity.
35. The capital campaign aims to increase the endowment by 50%.
36. Endowment income subsidizes tuition costs for students.
37. They solicited donations to build up the endowment fund.
38. The endowment helps the nonprofit weather economic downturns.
39. The endowment provides a lasting source of funding for new initiatives.
40. The endowment lost value during the recent stock market decline.
41. Restricted endowments must be used for the specific purposes outlined by the donor.
42. Unrestricted endowments give organizations more flexibility in how funds are utilized.
43. A major donor offered to match all new endowment gifts up to $5 million.
44. The fundraiser hoped the new endowment gifts would help boost morale.
45. The sizable endowment enabled the museum to acquire several priceless artifacts.
46. The charity depends on endowment income to continue operating year after year.
47. The endowment committee decides how the endowment income will be allocated.
48. Most nonprofits want to grow their endowments to ensure financial sustainability.
49. The terms of the endowment stipulated that only earnings could be spent.
50. The endowment fund was meant to provide income in perpetuity.
51. The foundation stewards multiple endowments that generate grants for worthy causes.
52. The endowment allows them to fund important programs without worrying about fundraising each year.
53. They spent a decade building up their endowment through successful capital campaigns.
54. The foundation endows scholarships, professorships, research grants and more.
55. Endowments help nonprofits remain resilient through market cycles.
56. The sizable endowment allowed the nonprofit to weather the economic crisis.
57. The foundation works diligently to responsibly invest and grow the endowment.
58. Some organizations struggle if they rely too heavily on endowment income.
59. The capital campaign aims to build the endowment so it can generate $5 million in annual income.
60. The wealthy philanthropist endowed a new research center at the university.

Common Phases

1. The university has an endowment fund of over $1 billion to support research and scholarships.
2. His generous endowment helps fund arts programs at the local high school.
3. The foundation provides grants using the interest earned from its large endowment.
4. Her trust fund was meant to provide a financial endowment for her education.
5. She received a sizable endowment from her grandmother upon graduating from college.
6. The philanthropist left the majority of his fortune as an endowment for the museum.
7. His natural gifts and talents were looked upon as a divine endowment.
8. The college students were grateful for the sizable endowment from their alumni association.
9. Generous donations helped boost the library's operating endowment.
10. The art gallery relied on interest from its endowment funds to cover operating costs.
11. That building was constructed using endowment funds designated for campus expansion.
12. The hospital aims to increase its endowment each year to support new medical programs and equipment.
13. The charitable foundation awards grants each year using income from its invested endowment.
14. Her parents had ensured she would have a financial endowment for her future.
15. The museum relies heavily on its endowment income to acquire new exhibits.
16. The scholarship fund's growing endowment ensures it will support students for years to come.
17. The research institute depends on endowment funding for its groundbreaking studies.
18. His intellectual endowment surpassed that of most other students.
19. The orchestra's endowment fund allows it to pay competitive salaries to attract talented musicians.
20. The school's limited endowment prevents it from providing as many scholarships and programs as wealthier institutions.
21. The hospitals' financial endowment has allowed it to purchase state of the art medical equipment.
22. Nature had generously endowed him with intellectual gifts.
23. The natural beauty of the landscape was viewed as a divine endowment.
24. Their genetic endowment gave them a propensity for certain illnesses.
25. The foundation aimed to grow its endowment to provide a permanent revenue stream.
26. The government gave the university an endowment to fund its research on renewable energy.
27. Her wealthy parents had endowed her with a sizable trust fund for her future needs.
28. The medical school relies on income from its endowment to fund research breakthroughs.
29. The foundation awards grants each year using income earned from its invested endowment.
30. Their son's generous endowment fund would greatly aid his daughters' educations.
31. His ample financial endowment ensured he would never want for money.
32. She used her endowment income to start a charitable foundation.
33. The gallery used funds from its endowment to purchase a rare painting.
34. The author credited her success to her parents' intellectual endowment.
35. That parish relies heavily on its endowment to maintain the church buildings.
36. The media conglomerate left a sizable endowment to fund journalism scholarships.
37. Her parents had endowed her with a sizable trust fund to use however she wished.
38. The endowment from their wealthy donors enabled expansion into a new facility.
39. The city park system depends on endowment income to maintain the grounds and facilities.
40. The school aims to increase its endowment each year to support more students with scholarships.
41. Her natural endowments surpassed those of most other girls her age.
42. The research wing was built using funds from the university's endowment.
43. Interest from the endowment fund covers everyday expenses so donations can go towards programs.
44. The theater relies on income from its endowment to fund new productions.
45. Their children's future financial security rested on the family's sizeable endowment.
46. Nature had endowed him with powerful intellectual gifts.
47. His physical endowment allowed him to excel at nearly every sport he tried.
48. The endowment fund growth will allow for more student scholarships in coming years.
49. The generous endowment provided sustaining support for decades to come.
50. Her parents' estates left sizable endowments for their grandchildren's educations.
51. The foundation uses income from the endowment fund to award research grants.
52. His mental endowment gave him a propensity for deep thought and insight.
53. Their endowment income covers day to day operating costs of the museum.
54. The university has strong endowment funds to support professorships and research centers.
55. The generous bequest created an endowment fund for paediatric cancer research.
56. The philanthropist endowed a sizable fund for cancer prevention programs.
57. The children's trust funds were intended to provide them a financial endowment.
58. The goal was to increase the church's endowment funds and build a new sanctuary.
59. Their large financial endowment would ensure a comfortable retirement.
60. Interest from the endowment funds covers payroll and other basic expenses.

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