Enervations example sentences

Related (7): weakness, fatigue, exhaustion, lethargy, debilitation, frailty, feebleness

"Enervations" Example Sentences

1. Years of chronic stress had led to severe enervations in her body.
2. The summer heat brought with it a sense of enervation that sapped all strength from her.
3. The constant noise and commotion in the city caused an enervation of the mind.
4. His prolonged illness had left him with a feeling of enervation that made it hard to focus.
5. Despite her best efforts, the enervation in her muscles made it hard to complete the workout.
6. The medication caused a sense of enervation in him that left him fatigued all day.
7. He tried to fight the enervation of his spirit, but it was hard to stay positive in such a difficult situation.
8. The constant stress from work caused an enervation of her mind and body that was hard to shake.
9. The heat and humidity can cause severe enervation in those who are not used to it.
10. The long hours and hard work led to a sense of enervation in the entire team.
11. The lack of sleep and constant stress had led to an enervation of her will to continue.
12. The illness had caused significant enervation in his body, and he was struggling to recover.
13. The constant nagging from his boss led to a sense of enervation that made him want to quit.
14. The enervation in his body made it hard to stand for more than a few minutes at a time.
15. The medication caused a feeling of enervation that left him feeling weak and tired.
16. The enervation caused by the prolonged illness made it hard to recover fully.
17. She tried to push through the enervation caused by her chronic pain, but it was a constant battle.
18. The long, hot summer days often led to a sense of enervation that made it hard to get things done.
19. The stress of the job caused enervation in her body and mind that was hard to shake off.
20. The enervation caused by the lack of food and water made it hard to continue hiking.
21. The enervation caused by the high altitude made it hard to breathe and walk.
22. The enervation caused by the lack of sleep made it difficult to focus on anything.
23. The constant noise and distractions caused enervation in his mind and made it hard to concentrate.
24. The enervation in his body made it difficult to perform simple tasks, let alone anything more strenuous.
25. The enervation in his muscles made it hard to maintain his posture while sitting for long periods.
26. The enervation caused by the illness made it hard to fight off infections and other complications.
27. The constant negativity and criticism from others caused enervation in her spirit and made it hard to stay positive.
28. The enervation caused by the long hours at work made it hard to find time for anything else.
29. The enervation in his body made it hard to enjoy anything, no matter how much he tried.
30. The enervation caused by the loud music and flashing lights made it hard to stay at the party for long.

Common Phases

1. The athlete's enervations were evident after a long marathon; his muscles were sore, and he was out of breath.
2. The CEO's hectic schedule resulted in enervations; she was constantly tired and stressed out.
3. The rainy weather was enervating and made me feel lazy; I just wanted to stay in bed all day.
4. Since he started working long hours, John's enervations became more frequent; he struggled to stay focused and alert.
5. The hot weather caused enervation amongst the workers; they were sweating profusely and felt drained.
6. The monotonous tasks at his job led to enervation; he felt bored and unmotivated.
7. Lack of sleep and poor diet resulted in enervation; I felt tired and sluggish all day.
8. Her demanding boss's constant demands were enervating; she felt like she couldn't keep up.
9. The stressful situation caused enervation; I could feel my heart racing and my palms sweating.
10. The long commute to work and back left me in a state of enervation; I was exhausted every day.

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