Enneadecagon example sentences

Related (14): polygons, geometry, sides, angles, perimeter, area, circle, circumference, radius, diameter, apothem, inscribed, circumscribed, tessellation.

"Enneadecagon" Example Sentences

1. The roof of the building has a unique shape, and it is designed in the form of an enneadecagon.
2. I have never seen an enneadecagon-shaped garden before, it looks so beautiful.
3. The enneadecagon-shaped pool in that villa is simply breathtaking.
4. He formed an enneadecagon by connecting the vertices of a regular enneadecagoanl.
5. The artist created an enneadecagon-shaped sculpture for the park.
6. The geometry teacher challenged the students to draw an enneadecagon and label its angles.
7. The playground had an unusual enneadecagon-shaped basketball court.
8. The building was unique for its rounded enneadecagon shape and was praised for its architecture.
9. The carousel in the amusement park had an enneadecagon-shaped roof.
10. The architects worked hard to create a stunning enneadecagon-shaped auditorium.
11. The company logo was based on an enneadecagon shape.
12. The city plaza had an enneadecagon-shaped fountain at its center.
13. The mosaic on the floor was made up of enneadecagon-shaped tiles.
14. The jewelry box had an enneadecagon shape, making it stand out from the rest.
15. The airplane window had an enneadecagon shape, allowing for a panoramic view.
16. The clock in the town hall was in the shape of an enneadecagon.
17. The bridge that crossed the river had an enneadecagon-shaped support structure.
18. The packaging of the product had an enneadecagon-shaped design.
19. The fabric of the dress had an enneadecagon pattern.
20. The stained glass window in the church featured an enneadecagon shape.
21. The origami crane was folded using an enneadecagon-shaped paper.
22. The snowflake was created using an enneadecagon as the base shape.
23. The Enneadecagon Tower was the tallest building in the city.
24. The play area had an enneadecagon-shaped sandbox for the children.
25. The planetarium's dome was in the shape of an enneadecagon.
26. The pool table at the pub had pockets in the shape of an enneadecagon.
27. The hotel had a unique pool with a design inspired by enneadecagons.
28. The side mirrors of the car were enneadecagon-shaped to provide a wider view.
29. The map of the park had an enneadecagon as the border.
30. The cookies were shaped like enneadecagons for a fun twist.

Common Phases

1. The enneadecagon is a polygon that has 19 sides;
2. The enneadecagon is a rare shape that is not commonly studied in geometry;
3. The interior angles of an enneadecagon add up to 3060 degrees;
4. The number of diagonals in an enneadecagon is 153;
5. The enneadecagon can be constructed with a compass and straightedge;
6. The regular enneadecagon has 18 lines of symmetry;
7. The construction of an enneadecagon is more complex than that of a regular polygon with fewer sides;
8. The enneadecagon is not a common shape in architecture or design;
9. The enneadecagon is sometimes called an "enneakaidecagon" or a "novendecagon."

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