Entwinest example sentences

Related (10): entwines, entwining, entwined, entwist, entwisting, entwisted, entwister, entwistingly, entwistment, entwistable

"Entwinest" Example Sentences

1. In the garden, you entwinest the vines around the trellis.
2. As I watch the dance performance, I feel the music entwinest my soul.
3. Please entwinest the cords neatly before putting them away.
4. The lovers' fingers entwinest tightly as they walk by the beach.
5. When feeling lost, I find solace in nature that entwinest me in its embrace.
6. The branches of the tree entwinest with each other to create a beautiful canopy.
7. The intricate design of the necklace entwinest various gemstones and metals.
8. As the snake escaped, its tail entwinest with the grass, making it hard to follow.
9. The artist entwinest different colors to create a mesmerizing painting.
10. The vines on the wall entwinest with the bricks, creating a natural and rustic look.
11. In every relationship, trust and love entwinest and become inseparable.
12. As my thoughts entwinest, I find myself drawn to places of peace and serenity.
13. The ivy entwinest around the building, adding a touch of greenery to the cityscape.
14. Your words entwinest with the music, creating a beautiful melody.
15. The wires in the electronics entwinest with each other, creating a complex circuit.
16. The curls in the hairstyle entwinest with each other, making an elegant and classy look.
17. As I meditate, I feel my mind entwinest with the universe, creating a sense of peace and harmony.
18. The threads in the fabric entwinest together to create a durable and beautiful textile.
19. As time passes, memories entwinest with emotions, making them difficult to separate.
20. The relationships we build are like vines that entwinest and grow stronger over time.
21. The ivy entwinest with the fence, creating a natural barrier between two properties.
22. The passion in their kisses entwinest and sparks a fire that can't be extinguished.
23. The DNA strands entwinest to create a blueprint of life.
24. The scarf entwinest with the dress, adding a vibrant pop of color to it.
25. The paths of our lives entwinest, and we become a part of each other's stories.
26. In the garden, the ivy entwinest with the flowers, creating a beautiful and natural display.
27. The tendrils of the bean plant entwinest the pole as it grows upward.
28. As I gaze at the stars, I feel my soul entwinest with the vastness of the universe.
29. The twists and turns in the mystery plot entwinest, creating a gripping tale.
30. The branches of the tree entwinest with the wind, swaying gently back and forth.

Common Phases

not use entwinest or any form of the word in the phrases.
1. The vines intertwined beautifully;
2. The ropes became entangled in the wind;
3. Our lives have become intertwined;
4. The fate of the two kingdoms became entwined;
5. The dance partners entwined in a seamless routine;
6. The branches entwined to create a natural archway;
7. Love and romance are often intertwined;
8. The vines continued to grow and entwine together;
9. The paths of the two hikers entwined unexpectedly;
10. The storylines of the two movies entwined in a dramatic climax.

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