Envisagé example sentences

Related (6): Conceive, imagine, visualize, anticipate, contemplate, consider.

"Envisagé" Example Sentences

1. I envisage a bright future for the company.
2. She could not envisage a life without her husband.
3. The conductor envisaged a symphony that would move the soul.
4. Scientists envisage a future where we can travel to other planets.
5. The architect envisaged a grand building with towering spires.
6. They envisage a world without hunger or poverty.
7. He envisages writing ten novels before he retires.
8. I envisage myself achieving great success in my career.
9. The general envisaged a swift victory over the enemy forces.
10. The politician envisaged sweeping reforms across all sectors.
11. The yogis envisaged uniting with the divine through meditation.
12. The student envisaged an exciting career as an engineer.
13. The company envisages rapid growth over the next few years.
14. The physiotherapist envisaged helping people regain mobility.
15. I cannot envisage a scenario where things go so horribly wrong.
16. The author envisaged creating a world so vivid readers could enter it.
17. The monks envisaged nirvana as a state of supreme bliss.
18. The activists envisaged a world without pollution or toxins.
19. The parents envisaged a bright and happy future for their children.
20. They envisaged living a simple life in the countryside.
21. Teachers envisage helping students achieve their fullest potential.
22. I envisage us spending many happy years together.
23. The coach envisaged his players bringing home the trophy.
24. I envisage traveling the world before settling down.
25. The engineer envisaged creating sustainable sources of energy.
26. The fashion designer envisaged making her mark in Paris and Milan.
27. We envisage business growth of at least 15% next quarter.
28. The museum envisages exposing visitors to different cultures.
29. I envisage quitting my job and traveling for a year.
30. Experts envisage AI transforming every aspect of our lives.
31. The philanthropist envisaged providing opportunity to the disadvantaged.
32. The movement envisaged reforming the entire political system.
33. Scientists envisage an era of interplanetary travel and colonization.
34. The chef envisaged nourishing people through joyful cuisine.
35. The team envisages winning the tournament and claiming the trophy.
36. Visionaries envisage a world of unlimited clean energy and resources.
37. She envisaged making a positive impact on the world through her work.
38. I envisage achieving tasks efficiently and meeting tight deadlines.
39. Investors envisage huge profits from backing the latest technology.
40. He envisaged proposing to his girlfriend on their vacation.
41. The cast envisaged winning multiple awards for their performances.
42. The director envisaged telling stories that would resonate with people.
43. The inventor envisaged creating products to make people's lives easier.
44. The interior designer envisaged creating comfortable yet stylish spaces.
45. I envisage traveling back to visit friends and family regularly.
46. Companies envisage higher profits thanks to innovations in production.
47. The skydiver envisaged one day breaking the world record for freefall.
48. The entrepreneur envisaged disrupting an entire industry.
49. The president envisaged bringing prosperity to the entire nation.
50. The philosopher envisaged living in harmony with nature.
51. The politicians envisaged breaking new ground in international relations.
52. Scientists envisage eradicating disease through genetic modifications.
53. I envisage retiring by the sea in a small beach house.
54. The doctor envisaged saving lives and alleviating human suffering.
55. They envisage a future with unlimited resources and minimal pollution.
56. I envisage selling my startup for millions in the next few years.
57. The pacifist envisaged a world without violence or conflict.
58. The pilot envisaged soaring through the clouds and touching the stars.
59. The chef envisaged creating delectable, inventive cuisine.
60. Adventurers envisage conquering Everest and reaching the poles.

Common Phases

1. The strategic plan envisages a 10% increase in revenue next year.
2. I envisage a career in science and research.
3. Scientists envisage a future where renewable energy sources are dominant.
4. The report envisages several possible scenarios for the global economy.
5. They envisage creating thousands of new jobs with this investment.
6. The reform proposal envisages reducing the size of the government.
7. He envisages a global future of cooperation and peace.
8. In my wildest dreams, I envisage winning an Oscar one day.
9. The master plan envisages constructing a new arena by 2025.
10. The new management team envisages major changes in the company structure.
11. Architects envisage building a 300-foot skyscraper on that lot.
12. She could not envisage herself doing anything other than teaching.
13. The singer envisages recording a new album in the coming year.
14. The novel envisages a dystopian future in which technology enslaves humanity.
15. The bill envisages reducing taxes for small businesses.
16. They envisage a huge expansion of the business overseas.
17. The report envisages an increase in migration to urban areas.
18. The proposal envisages the closure of several smaller branches.
19. The plan envisages saving $1 million in operating costs next year.
20. I envisage myself graduating with high honors.
21. Reformers envisage a political system with greater transparency and accountability.
22. The scientists envisage a world with unlimited clean energy.
23. His entire career path envisages him achieving great status and wealth.
24. The futurist envisages a world of driverless cars and robotics.
25. Decades from now, I envisage a society more focused on sustainability.
26. Designers envisage a home filled with smart technology and automation.
27. She envisages devoting much of her time to charity work in retirement.
28. The plan envisages doubling production within five years.
29. Policymakers envisage greater cooperation between neighboring countries.
30. Some envisage an end to poverty in the next century.
31. The reform package envisages reducing bureaucracy and increasing efficiency.
32. They envisage a significant commercial impact within the first three years.
33. His grand vision envisages global peace and an end to all conflicts.
34. Reformers envisage a total overhaul of the current political system.
35. In a few years' time, I envisage myself running my own business.
36. I could never envisage myself living anywhere other than the country.
37. The constitution envisages an independent judiciary free from political interference.
38. The company envisages rapid growth over the next decade.
39. The legislation envisages freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
40. Architects envisage constructing a new hospital complex for the region.
41. He envisages winning a number of accolades for his work in the years ahead.
42. The plans envisage expanding operations into international markets.
43. Vaccines envisage eliminating many life-threatening illnesses in the future.
44. Experts envisage sustainable development becoming a priority in the coming decade.
45. The contract envisages delivery within 6 months of signing.
46. The project envisages reducing poverty in the region by 50% over 10 years.
47. The initiative envisages tackling climate change on a global scale.
48. The enterprise envisages harnessing solar power as its main energy source.
49. The policy envisages raising taxes on high earners.
50. We envisage launching the new product line within the next quarter.
51. The blueprint envisages expanding the city's public transport network.
52. The lecture envisages discussing key concepts and theories in the field.
53. The horoscope envisages good fortune and prosperity in the near future.
54. The engineer envisaged building a bridge that would stand for centuries.
55. The proposal envisages merging the two departments to improve efficiency.
56. The scheme envisages providing free education up to university level.
57. The vision envisages transforming the economy into a knowledge-based industry.
58. The proposal envisages spending cuts across all government departments.
59. The study envisages global warming causing significant sea level rise.
60. They envisage meeting the national emission targets ahead of schedule.

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