Equipollentmiddle example sentences

Related (10): equipollent, equivalent, equipotent, commensurate, identical, comparable, symmetrical, analogous, uniform, balanced.

"Equipollentmiddle" Example Sentences

1. The two teams were equally equipped, making the match an equipollent contest.
2. The argument had two equipollent points, making it difficult to decide which side was right.
3. In poker, a pair of aces and a pair of kings are equipollent in terms of value.
4. The two candidates had equipollent experience and qualifications, making it hard for the employer to choose just one.
5. Both theories have equipollent evidence to support them, leaving scientists unsure which is correct.
6. The two halves of the picture were equipollent in terms of color and composition.
7. The decision to cut funding for two different programs was equipollent, but one had to be chosen.
8. The two roads were of equipollent distance, but one had better scenery.
9. The two tasks had an equipollent level of difficulty, making it important to prioritize which to tackle first.
10. The two dishes offered were equipollent, but one had more spice than the other.
11. Neither option seemed better than the other, as both were equipollent in terms of risk.
12. The two speeches had equipollent arguments, but one was delivered more persuasively.
13. The two fabrics were equipollent in quality, but one was softer to the touch.
14. The two celebrities had equally equipollent fan bases, making it hard to predict who would win the award.
15. Both artists created equipollent works, but one was preferred by the judges.
16. The two races had equipollent routes and obstacles, but one was completed faster.
17. The two sports played on the adjacent fields were equipollent in terms of popularity.
18. The two job offers were equipollent, but one had better benefits.
19. The two methods for solving the problem were equipollent, but one was more efficient.
20. The two stocks had equipollent performance over the last quarter, but one had a higher potential for growth.
21. The two brands of coffee had equipollent caffeine content, but one had a more favorable taste.
22. The two styles of furniture were equipollent, but one was more expensive due to the materials used.
23. The two companies had equipollent levels of profitability, but one had a better reputation.
24. The two options for décor were equipollent, but one would require less effort to set up.
25. The two books had equipollent levels of suspense, but one was easier to follow.
26. The two potential partners for the project were equipollent in terms of experience, but one had a more compatible skill set.
27. The two types of lighting had equipollent effectiveness, but one consumed less energy.
28. The two brands of sunscreen were equipollent in terms of SPF, but one had better reviews for water resistance.
29. Both paths led to the same destination, but one was slightly equipollent in terms of difficulty.
30. The two styles of shoes were equipollent, but one had a more durable sole.

Common Phases

1. "An equipollent middle is a term used in logic; it means a common ground between two opposing views."
2. "When dealing with complex debates, it is important to find an equipollent middle; this helps ensure that all perspectives are considered and accounted for."
3. "When trying to reach a compromise, an equipollent middle may be found through negotiation and discussion; this can be a valuable tool in resolving disagreements."
4. "In mathematics, an equipollent middle refers to a set that has the same number of elements as another set; this concept is frequently used in algebra and geometry."
5. "The concept of an equipollent middle is often discussed in philosophy; it is seen as an important idea for understanding dialectics and the process of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis."

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