Eros example sentences

Related (10): love, desire, passion, lust, attraction, devotion, infatuation, ardor, romance, intimacy

"Eros" Example Sentences

1. The eros wearing that suit was breathtaking.
2. Their love was based more on eros than agape.
3. The eros of youth quickly faded into friendship.
4. The poet captures the eros of first love in a delicate yet passionate manner.
5. The sculpture depicted the Greek god of eros, Cupid.
6. The eros between them was evident in their lingering gazes and subtle touches.
7. According to Freud, eros is the life instinct that drives humans toward pleasure and survival.
8. The eros that sparked between them faded away into platonic affection.
9. Their relationship was built more on eros than anything more profound.
10. The waterfall tumbled down the cliffs in a sensual eros that conjured primal desires.
11. His eros-filled kisses made me swoon.
12. Their first intimate moment was filled with youthful eros and abandon.
13. The sculpture depicted the allegorical figure of eros, wings and all.
14. The poem described the intertwining emotions of eros, lust and longing.
15. Her elegant neckline hinted at her hidden eros beneath her timid demeanor.
16. Their souls met first, and the eros followed as a result.
17. The tone poem builds in intensity, mirroring the rising eros between lovers.
18. The eros of their early affair had faded into annoyance after a few years.
19. The novel captured the inevitable decline of eros into familiarity and indifference.
20. His eyes were full of eros that took my breath away.
21. Their relationship began with youthful eros but matured into deeper devotion.
22. The ancient Greek concept of eros described not just lust but a profound longing for connection and unity.
23. The painting captured the tender eros between two souls, eyes locked and hearts open.
24. Her eros attracted him like a moth to a flame.
25. The poet evoked the feeling of eros though elegant yet passionate metaphors.
26. The novel captured the ephemeral nature of eros, burning brightly but quickly fading.
27. Their relationship began as simple eros but grew into unconditional love.
28. The spirit of eros filled the air at the festival, young and old coupling beneath the full moon.
29. The poem described the rise and fall of eros in elegiac terms.
30. The painting evoked primordially dark eros through blood-red shadows and stark lines.
31. Our eros ignited a flame that burned brightly for a time but could not withstand the tests of time.
32. The word eros describes the kind of passionate love that drives one toward pleasure and sexual union.
33. The spirit of eros hung heavy in the sultry summer air.
34. The desire poems evoked the rising eros of springtime and the fulfillment of lovers uniting.
35. The symphony built to a crescendo that mirrored the passion and intensity of eros fulfilled.
36. The marble nymphs embodying eros lined the fountains and gardens.
37. His eyes revealed a hidden depth of eros just beneath the surface.
38. The poet gives wings to eros, elevating carnal desire into spiritual longing.
39. The poem described the tender yet potent eros that arises between soulmates.
40. Her eros attracted many but satisfied none.
41. Their relationship began with the immature eros of youth but evolved into deeper devotion.
42. Her eros was palpable yet she remained unattainable.
43. The novel traced the rise and fall of eros between two souls over many years.
44. The poem evoked the mythological eros of Pan piping his lilting tunes to woo nymphs into the forest glades.
45. The Greek myths describe eros as the primal force that spurs creation and procreation.
46. Their eros faded into the comfort of familiarity over the years.
47. The piece depicted the tender eros of a first kiss.
48. Freud viewed eros as the instinct for life and love that drives humans to bond, reproduce and survive.
49. The eros dances under the full moon were a celebration of spring fertility.
50. The eros between them was palpable yet restrained by propriety.
51. Sigmund Freud used the concept of eros to describe the life instinct in humans and other organisms.
52. The symphony evoked the rising eros of lovers uniting through lush harmonies and swelling crescendos.
53. The poet describes the awakening of eros within the soul.
54. Our eros burned brightly for a time but ultimately could not withstand the ravages of life.
55. The myth of eros and psyche tells of the transformation of mere physical eros into lasting spiritual love.
56. The novel traced the rise and fall of eros between two souls over decades.
57. The valley seemed alive with the spirit of eros as lovers wandered hand in hand.
58. The eros that flared between them quickly burned out.
59. According to Platonic and Neoplatonic philosophy, eros is the spiritual longing for unity with the divine.
60. The eros between them was clear yet neither acted upon it.

Common Phases

1. Eros and Psyche - Refers to the Greek myth of Cupid and Psyche, depicting the union of physical eros and spiritual love.
2. Eros of youth - The passionate desire and romantic attraction typical in young lovers.
3. Eros of spring - The rising desire and energy that accompanies the spring season.
4. Eros fulfilled - When passionate desire is satisfied through union or consummation.
5. Waning eros - When desire and passion begin to fade or lessen.
6. Awakening of eros - When desire and attraction first begin to emerge.
7. Eros incarnate - A person or being that embodies passion and intense desire.
8. Eros divine - Spiritual longing for unity with the divine, as described in Platonic philosophy.

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