Erudite example sentences

Related (5): knowledgeable, learned, scholarly, cultured, intellectual.

"Erudite" Example Sentences

1. The professor was known for being an erudite scholar.
2. Her erudite commentary was both insightful and thought-provoking.
3. The article offered an erudite analysis of the historical events.
4. The audience listened attentively to the lecturer's erudite speech.
5. The exhibition showcased artworks from the museum's erudite collection.
6. The panel of erudite judges had an in-depth discussion of the entries.
7. The erudite critic shared his views on the latest films and books.
8. The erudite discussion tackled complex philosophical concepts.
9. The professor gave an erudite lecture on the history of art.
10. His speech demonstrated his erudite knowledge of the subject.
11. The erudite curator arranged the exhibition with great expertise.
12. The erudite author wrote articles on a variety of topics.
13. The erudite analysis provided fresh insights into the issue.
14. The visitor was impressed by the librarian's erudite recommendations.
15. The guest speaker shared his erudite perspective on the topic.
16. The erudite column in the newspaper was filled with little-known facts.
17. The book provided an erudite overview of poetry through the ages.
18. The radio show featured an erudite panel discussing current affairs.
19. She had an erudite response to even the most complex questions.
20. The intellectual gave an erudite speech at the prestigious event.
21. The critic wrote an erudite review of the new novel.
22. His erudite comments displayed a wealth of knowledge.
23. The erudite staff had impressive credentials and expertise.
24. The erudite article contained numerous citations and references.
25. The recipient of the award was an erudite academic.
26. The scientist shared his erudite theory on the forum.
27. The book featured an erudite discussion on controversial topics.
28. The erudite students dazzled the visiting professor with their knowledge.
29. The erudite expert was invited to speak on many panels and seminars.
30. The citation praised the recipient for his erudite contributions.
31. She gave an erudite and thoughtful response during the discussion.
32. The commencement speech by the alumnus demonstrated erudition.
33. The debates featured erudite discussions on complex modern issues.
34. The historian's erudite research shined new light on historical events.
35. The audience took notes during the speaker's erudite presentation.
36. The film critic shared his erudite opinion on the latest movies.
37. The erudite composition demonstrated great learning and wisdom.
38. The author penned an erudite commentary on the political situation.
39. His notes displayed erudition through citations and references.
40. The erudite textbook was filled with knowledge and wisdom.
41. The bookworm had an erudite knowledge of literature.
42. The dictionary defined 'erudite' as 'showing great knowledge and learning'.
43. His erudite answers to the test questions showed immense knowledge.
44. The erudite forum discussion covered a vast array of subjects.
45. The article provided an erudite overview of the complex issues.
46. The poet's erudite works were filled with literary allusions.
47. The professor delivered an erudite lecture on the history of philosophy.
48. The conference featured many erudite scholars and thinkers.
49. Her remarks demonstrated both erudition and insight.
50. The philosophical debate covered erudite concepts and theories.
51. The erudite letters showed a mastery of literary style.
52. The speech demonstrated the orator's erudition and eloquence.
53. His erudite response displayed immense knowledge of the subject.
54. The work showcased the author's erudite grasp of literature.
55. The erudite article provided a comprehensive analysis of the topic.
56. The book review demonstrated the critic's erudite sensibilities.
57. The scholar's erudite commentary illuminated the text.
58. The column featured erudite discussions on complex contemporary issues.
59. The researcher presented an erudite thesis on the contested topic.
60. His writings demonstrated an erudite understanding of philosophy.

Common Phases

1. The professor gave an erudite lecture on the history of Renaissance art.
2. The book provided an erudite analysis of the social and political context of the period.
3. The author's erudite writings on early Christianity were considered seminal works in the field.
4. The discussion of the novel demonstrated the speaker's erudite knowledge of English literature.
5. The critics praised the film for its erudite exploration of philosophy and morality.
6. The speech demonstrated the candidate's broad and erudite knowledge of foreign policy issues.
7. The erudite guest speaker held the students spellbound with his discussion of the Greek classics.
8. The panel of judges consisted of distinguished and erudite scholars from several universities.
9. The interview revealed the actress's erudite interests beyond her Hollywood career.
10. The playwright demonstrated an erudite knowledge of Shakespeare in his work.
11. The reviewer's erudite critique praised the innovative use of language in the novel.
12. The writer's erudite essays on culture and society were published in the leading journals.
13. The interviewer posed erudite questions that challenged the author's viewpoint.
14. The historical novel demonstrated the author's erudite grasp of the period.
15. The debate showcased the candidate's erudite yet practical solutions to the issues they faced.
16. The journal published erudite articles on philosophy, literature and the arts.
17. The host's erudite questions sparked an interesting discussion among the panelists.
18. The curriculum of the private school challenged students' minds with its erudite breadth and depth.
19. The retired professor maintained an erudite program of academic study for himself.
20. The book reviewer's erudite prose style highlighted her own depth of knowledge of the subject.
21. The writer crafted erudite characters in her novels who discussed complex ideas.
22. The newspaper published the professor's erudite op-ed columns on politics and current events.
23. The scholar's erudite treatise shaped thinking on the subject for decades.
24. The encyclopedia provided an erudite yet accessible description of the scientific concepts.
25. The politician revealed an erudite knowledge of history during the speech.
26. The young executive demonstrated an erudite knowledge of business far beyond his years.
27. The scholar brought an erudite yet down-to-earth perspective to his university lectures.
28. The journal featured erudite essays on cultural and historical trends.
29. The commentator offered an erudite yet humorous take on political events.
30. The newspaper published the priest's erudite weekly column on issues of religion and society.
31. The child surprised the teacher with her erudite questions about the history lesson.
32. The author wove erudite references and allusions throughout the novel.
33. The philosopher developed an erudite yet practical theory of ethics.
34. The professor's erudite lectures kindled a love of learning in his students.
35. The author crafted dialogue between characters that displayed erudite wit and wordplay.
36. The film critic demonstrated an erudite knowledge of film aesthetics in his reviews.
37. The professor made an erudite case for a new interpretation of the period.
38. The professor aimed to impart erudite yet accessible knowledge to her students.
39. The interview revealed the musician's surprisingly erudite interests beyond his craft.
40. The philosopher challenged readers with erudite yet provocative questions.
41. The scholar delivered an erudite speech challenging several long-held assumptions.
42. The newspaper column exhibited the writer's erudite yet playful turn of phrase.
43. The weekly opinion column provided an erudite yet entertaining take on pop culture.
44. The politician's speech demonstrated broad and erudite knowledge of the issues facing the country.
45. The article provided an erudite yet simplified explanation of a complex scientific theory.
46. The poem demonstrated the poet's erudite yet whimsical use of language.
47. The journalist peppered the interviewee with erudite yet pointed questions.
48. The historian constructed an erudite yet sympathetic portrayal of the period.
49. The commentator offered an erudite take on the latest political scandals.
50. The book provided an erudite yet accessible introduction to the subject.
51. The poem showed the writer's erudite playfulness with rhyme and meter.
52. The politician's speech demonstrated an erudite yet practical vision for the country.
53. The debate illustrated the candidate's erudite yet lucid thinking on complex issues.
54. The scholar delivered an erudite lecture that widened his students' intellectual horizons.
55. The inauguration speech demonstrated the president's broad and erudite grasp of the issues facing the nation.
56. The expert panel brought an erudite yet sensible perspective to the discussion.
57. The textbook provided an erudite yet comprehensive overview of the topics.
58. The professor delivered an erudite yet witty lecture on the subject.
59. The witticisms came from an erudite yet quirky perspective.
60. The panel discussion demonstrated the participants' broad and erudite range of knowledge on the subject.

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