Estranges example sentences

Related (3): alienates, distances, isolates

"Estranges" Example Sentences

1. The constant bickering between them eventually completely estranges them from each other.
2. Constant criticism can estrange even the closest of friends.
3. Money is often a factor that can estrange family members from each other.
4. The bitterness of their divorce completely estranged them from each other.
5. His rude behavior estranged him from his colleagues and friends.
6. The controversial ideas expressed by the author estranged him from his readers.
7. Misunderstandings can often lead to estranged relationships between people.
8. His conservative views estrange him from the majority of the people in his community.
9. A lack of communication can often be the reason for an estranged relationship.
10. The way he treats his employees can estrange him from them.
11. The dishonesty of her actions had the potential to estrange her from her entire family.
12. Her radical opinions estranged her from her conservative parents.
13. His tendency to always belittle his colleagues ended up estranging him from them.
14. Constant arguing can estrange even the strongest of relationships.
15. The tragic event led to an estrangement between the two sisters.
16. The new leadership style of the CEO estranged her from the company's employees.
17. Her unyielding attitude caused an estrangement between her and her friends.
18. His inability to take any responsibility for his actions estranged him from his wife.
19. The differences in their values eventually led to an estrangement between them.
20. His radical political views caused an estrangement between him and his family.
21. The strict rules of the religion often lead to estranged relationships between family members.
22. A lack of empathy can often lead to an estranged relationship.
23. The constant lies and deceit created an estrangement between the two brothers.
24. The inability to forgive can often lead to an estranged relationship.
25. The extreme demands of her boss ended up estranging her from the rest of the team.
26. The unforgivable actions of his son ended up causing an estrangement between them.
27. His unbearable temper ultimately caused an estrangement between him and his friends.
28. The constant negativity of her attitude caused an estrangement between her and her coworkers.
29. The differences in their political beliefs eventually led to an estrangement between them.
30. The betrayal of trust can often lead to an estranged relationship.

Common Phases

not use "estranges" as the first word of the sentence.
1. Despite being childhood friends, time and distance have estranged us from each other;
2. I could see the way he looked at me had changed and that made me feel estranged from him;
3. Her sudden change in behavior estranged me from our conversation;
4. The misunderstanding between us has estranged us from each other;
5. His lack of communication made me feel estranged from our friendship.

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