Etymological example sentences
Related (1): etymology
etymology (noun) · etymologies (plural noun)
- the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history:
- the origin of a word and the historical development of its meaning:
derivation, development, origin, source"Etymological" Example Sentences
1. The etymological roots of the word "alphabet" can be traced back to the first two letters of the Greek alphabet.2. The word "gymnasium" has etymological origins in ancient Greece, where it referred to a place for athletic training.
3. Many English words have etymological roots in French, thanks to the Norman Conquest in the 11th century.
4. The etymological meaning of the word "amnesia" is "without memory."
5. The etymological root of the word "pandemic" is "pan," which means "all" or "every."
6. Etymologically speaking, the word "quarantine" comes from the Italian "quaranta giorni," meaning "40 days."
7. The etymological derivation of the word "catastrophe" comes from the Greek "katastrophē," or "overturning."
8. The etymological ancestors of the word "coffee" can be traced back to the Arabic "qahwa," meaning "stimulant."
9. The word "philosophy" comes from the Greek "philosophia," which etymologically means "love of wisdom."
10. The etymological roots of the word "anarchy" can be traced back to the Greek "anarkhos," or "without a ruler."
11. Etymologically, the word "hurricane" comes from the Taino word for "storm."
12. The word "lethargy" has etymological roots in the Greek "lethargos," meaning "forgetfulness."
13. The etymological origins of the word "fiasco" come from Italian theater, where it was used to describe a bottle breaking onstage.
14. The word "archeology" has etymological roots in the Greek "archaiologia," which means "the study of ancient things."
15. Etymologically, the word "canary" comes from the Canary Islands, where the birds were first domesticated.
16. The word "science" comes from the Latin "scientia," which etymologically means "knowledge."
17. The etymological roots of the word "martyr" come from the Greek "martys," meaning "witness."
18. The word "robot" has etymological roots in the Czech "robota," meaning "forced labor."
19. Etymologically speaking, the word "vaccine" comes from the Latin "vacca," meaning "cow."
20. The etymological ancestor of the word "sarcasm" is the Greek "sarkazein," which means "to tear flesh."
21. The word "etymology" itself has etymological roots in the Greek "etymon," meaning "true sense," and "logos," meaning "word."
22. Etymologically, the word "crisis" comes from the Greek "krisis," meaning "decision."
23. The etymological origins of the word "trivia" come from the Latin words "tri" and "via," meaning "three roads."
24. The word "vampire" has etymological roots in Serbian folklore, where it referred to a blood-sucking creature.
25. The word "obnoxious" has etymological roots in the Latin "obnoxiosus," meaning "harmful."
26. Etymologically speaking, the word "strategy" comes from the Greek "strategos," meaning "general."
27. The etymological root of the word "procrastinate" comes from the Latin "pro" and "crastinus," which mean "for tomorrow."
28. The word "quintessential" has etymological roots in medieval alchemy, where it referred to the "fifth essence" believed to exist in all matter.
29. The etymological origins of the word "lunatic" come from the belief that the moon could cause mental illness.
30. The word "encyclopedia" has etymological roots in the Greek "enkyklopaideia," meaning "general education."
Common Phases
1. The etymological origin of the word "decimate" is from the Latin word "decimare";2. The etymological root of the word "philosophy" is from the Greek words "philo" and "sophia";
3. "Etymology" itself comes from the Greek word "etumos" meaning "true";
4. The etymology of the word "vampire" can be traced back to the Serbian word "vampir";
5. The term "penultimate" is etymologically derived from the Latin words "paene" and "ultimus".
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