Exacerbations example sentences

Related (7): flare-ups, worsening, aggravations, intensifications, deterioration, relapses, escalations

"Exacerbations" Example Sentences

1. The patient experienced frequent exacerbations of their chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
2. The inflammatory response caused exacerbations of the patient's autoimmune disorder.
3. The air pollution in the city led to exacerbations of asthma cases.
4. The cold weather triggered exacerbations of his rheumatoid arthritis.
5. The stressful workplace environment caused exacerbations of his anxiety disorder.
6. The patient's poor diet and lack of exercise led to exacerbations of their high blood pressure.
7. The high pollen count during allergy season caused exacerbations of her seasonal allergies.
8. The patient's smoking habit caused exacerbations of their emphysema.
9. The hot and humid weather caused exacerbations of his eczema.
10. The patient's irregular sleep schedule caused exacerbations of their migraine headaches.
11. The patient's exposure to mold and mildew caused exacerbations of their allergic rhinitis.
12. The patient's overuse of their voice caused exacerbations of their vocal nodules.
13. The patient's frequent alcohol consumption caused exacerbations of their liver disease.
14. The patient's exposure to loud noises caused exacerbations of their tinnitus.
15. The patient's lack of adherence to their medication regimen caused exacerbations of their mental illness.
16. The patient's stress and anxiety caused exacerbations of their irritable bowel syndrome.
17. The patient's exposure to secondhand smoke caused exacerbations of their asthma.
18. The patient's exposure to pet dander caused exacerbations of their allergies.
19. The patient's exposure to extreme temperatures caused exacerbations of their Raynaud's phenomenon.
20. The patient's exposure to bright lights caused exacerbations of their migraines.
21. The patient's exposure to certain foods caused exacerbations of their acid reflux.
22. The patient's exposure to certain medications caused exacerbations of their psoriasis.
23. The patient's exposure to certain chemicals caused exacerbations of their contact dermatitis.
24. The patient's exposure to certain fabrics caused exacerbations of their hives.
25. The patient's exposure to certain insects caused exacerbations of their insect bite allergies.
26. The patient's exposure to certain plants caused exacerbations of their hay fever.
27. The patient's exposure to certain metals caused exacerbations of their eczema.
28. The patient's exposure to certain fragrances caused exacerbations of their asthma.
29. The patient's exposure to certain cleaning products caused exacerbations of their asthma.
30. The patient's exposure to certain foods caused exacerbations of their food allergies.

Common Phases

1. The patient's condition worsened during the exacerbations; they were characterized by increased fatigue and shortness of breath.
2. The exacerbations were unpredictable, occurring at irregular intervals; despite medication and lifestyle changes, they persisted.
3. During the exacerbations, the patient experienced intense pain and discomfort; it often required hospitalization to manage.
4. The exacerbations were a significant challenge for the patient's emotional and mental well-being; they often felt overwhelmed and discouraged.
5. Despite efforts to prevent exacerbations through careful management, they still occurred frequently; it was a frustrating cycle for the patient and their healthcare team.
6. The exacerbations were a reminder of the chronic nature of the patient's condition; they required ongoing vigilance and attention to manage effectively.

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