Exanthemata example sentences

Related (5): rashes, measles, rubella, roseola, smallpox

"Exanthemata" Example Sentences

1. The child had an outbreak of exanthemata all over his body.
2. The exanthemata were causing the patient a lot of discomfort.
3. The doctor diagnosed the patient with exanthemata and prescribed medication.
4. The school had to temporarily close due to an outbreak of exanthemata among the students.
5. The exanthemata rash was contagious, so everyone in the household had to take extra precautions.
6. The patient was relieved to hear that the exanthemata were not a serious condition.
7. The exanthemata caused the patient to miss several days of work.
8. The doctor recommended a cream to alleviate the itching caused by the exanthemata.
9. The exanthemata rash was particularly severe on the patient's face and neck.
10. The child's exanthemata began to clear up after a course of antibiotics.
11. Exanthemata can be caused by a viral, bacterial or fungal infection.
12. The patient's exanthemata were diagnosed as a type of allergic reaction.
13. Exanthemata can sometimes be mistaken for hives or eczema.
14. The patient's exanthemata proved to be resistant to most standard treatments.
15. The doctor advised the patient to avoid contact with others until the exanthemata had healed.
16. The exanthemata rash was itchy and painful, causing the patient to lose sleep.
17. The patient's exanthemata were accompanied by fever and fatigue.
18. The school nurse quickly identified the exanthemata outbreak and notified parents.
19. The patient's swollen glands were a common symptom of exanthemata.
20. The exanthemata rash began to spread rapidly across the patient's body.
21. The patient's exanthemata rash was covered in small, fluid-filled blisters.
22. The patient reported feeling extremely lethargic as a result of the exanthemata.
23. The doctor stressed the importance of good hygiene practices in preventing the spread of exanthemata.
24. The patient's exanthemata were particularly common in children under five.
25. The patient's exanthemata lasted for several weeks, causing anxiety and frustration.
26. The patient's exanthemata were accompanied by a sore throat and swollen tonsils.
27. The patient's exanthemata rash was diagnosed as a type of herpes virus.
28. The exanthemata outbreak in the community caused widespread alarm and concern.
29. Exanthemata can sometimes cause complications such as pneumonia or meningitis.
30. The patient's exanthemata were treated with corticosteroids to reduce inflammation.

Common Phases

1. The patient has multiple exanthemata all over their body; it is likely a viral infection.
2. Exanthemata are a common rash that appears during childhood illnesses, such as measles and chickenpox.
3. The pediatrician diagnosed the child with an exanthematous disease after observing a distinctive rash on their skin.
4. If you develop an exanthematous reaction to a medication, stop taking it immediately and seek medical attention.
5. The exanthematous rash usually disappears within a week or two without any treatment, but the underlying illness must be addressed.

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