Expeditition example sentences
expedition (noun) · expeditions (plural noun)
- a journey or voyage undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose, especially that of exploration, scientific research, or war:
- the people involved in an expedition:
- a short trip made for a particular purpose:
- promptness or speed in doing something:
journey, voyage, tour, odyssey, undertaking, enterprise, mission, project, quest, operation, commission, assignment, exploit, exploration, safari, trek, hike, survey, peregrination, trip, excursion, outing, jaunt, run, junket, hop, group, team, party, company, crew, band, troop, squad, crowd, trip, excursion, outing, journey, jaunt, run, junket, hop, speed, haste, hastiness, hurriedness, promptness, speediness, swiftness, quickness, rapidity, briskness, promptitude, velocity, alacrity, urgency, readiness, dispatch, expeditiousness, fleetness, celerity"Expeditition" Example Sentences
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