Expired example sentences

Related (10): expired, invalid, terminated, lapsed, outdated, obsolete, unrenewed, void, elapsed, finished

"Expired" Example Sentences

1. The milk has expired and smells sour.
2. I had to throw away the yogurt because it had expired.
3. The medicine lost its potency after its expiration date.
4. Please check the expiration date before you buy that milk.
5. The food in the pantry is expired and needs to be thrown out.
6. The passport has expired so I need to renew it.
7. The driver's license expired last month and is now invalid.
8. The coupon had already expired by the time I tried to use it.
9. Be sure to check the expiration date on the bottle before using that medication.
10. The credit card expired so I had to apply for a new one.
11. I forgot the license plate sticker had expired until I got a ticket.
12. You cannot return that item because the warranty has expired.
13. Please make sure to use up the yogurt before it expires.
14. The registration on my car has expired and needs to be renewed soon.
15. The registration has expired and now I'm facing fines from the DMV.
16. The tires need to be replaced before the treads expire.
17. She rushed to the store to buy cough syrup before the sale expired.
18. The window to appeal the decision had already expired.
19. The employee benefits expired the day he retired.
20. The insurance policy has expired and needs to be renewed before the grace period ends.
21. The fire extinguisher pressure gauge showed that it had expired.
22. The stamp collection contained many expired postage stamps.
23. The insurance on my car has expired, I need to pay the bill.
24. The politician's term in office will expire at the end of the year.
25. Toss out any food in the refrigerator that has expired.
26. His visitor's visa to the country had expired a month ago.
27. The retirement benefits will not expire until he turns 65 years old.
28. Many of the employees benefits will expire when the contract ends.
29. The account got locked because the password had expired.
30. The inspection sticker on the car has expired and needs to be replaced.
31. The house keys worked fine even though the lease had expired.
32. The free membership trial period had finally expired.
33. The grace period had expired so she had to pay the late fees.
34. The ration coupons expired a week ago but were still valid.
35. The contract automatically renewed before it could expire.
36. The software trial version had expired and would no longer work.
37. The retired teacher's pension has not yet expired.
38. The library book was returned after its checkout period had expired.
39. The opportunity to purchase the property expired before they could raise the funds.
40. The deadline to submit applications has now expired.
41. The limited edition cereal boxes became collectors items after they expired.
42. The prescription medication lost its potency after it had expired.
43. The lease on the apartment expired before he found a new place to live.
44. The trial membership subscription had now finally expired.
45. The suspect's parole had expired weeks before the robbery took place.
46. The grace period on the loan has finally expired.
47. My student ID card has not yet expired even though I graduated years ago.
48. The domain name expired and was no longer listed on Google.
49. The account expired due to inactivity and had to be reactivated.
50. The trial version of the software finally expired.
51. The temporary visa has now finally expired.
52. The signature on the document had expired so it was no longer legally binding.
53. Some of the canned food had expired long ago and was no good anymore.
54. The trail mix was thrown out because half of the nuts had expired.
55. The free time to upgrade the phone plan had finally expired.
56. The diet pill lost its potency and efficacy when it had expired.
57. The initial euphoria over the sale had long since expired.
58. The fireworks were illegal because the expiration date had passed.
59. The extended car warranty had just expired.
60. The certification course has now finally expired.

Common Phases

1. Has/have expired
- The medication has expired.
- The passport has expired.
2. Is/are expired
- The milk is expired.
- The coupon code is expired.
3. Had expired
- The permit had expired.
- Her registration had expired.
4. Will expire
- My membership will expire in June.
- Her contract with the company will expire next month.
5. Near expiration
- Check the cans of food for any that are near expiration.
- The batteries are nearing expiration and need to be replaced.
6. Before expiration
- Use up the leftovers before expiration.
- Redeem the gift card before expiration.
7. Past expiration
- Don't use any products that are past expiration.
- The account became locked once it was past expiration.
8. Upon expiration
- I received a new card upon expiration of the old one.
- A penalty fee is charged upon expiration of the membership.
9. Well past expiration
- The coupon had been well past expiration.
- The tire treads were well past expiration.
10. Days before expiration
- Check medications a few days before expiration.
- Apply for a new license a few weeks before expiration.

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