Exposureduring example sentences

Related (2): Exposure, during

"Exposureduring" Example Sentences

1. The photographer's work showcased the various stages of life, including birth exposureduring the newborn session.
2. Due to the sudden rainstorm, many people were left exposureduring the outdoor concert.
3. The aspiring model had her first photoshoot and was nervous about how she would look exposureduring it.
4. The company faced a lot of backlash regarding its unethical practices allowing workers to be exposureduring manufacturing.
5. The scandalous video of the celebrity couple was exposureduring a hacker attack on their iCloud account.
6. The documentary exposed the harsh reality of child labor and the dangers that children are exposureduring it.
7. The artist's exhibition featured paintings of beautiful landscapes and the wildlife that is exposureduring them.
8. The environmentalist raised awareness about the harmful effects of pollution and the health risks that individuals are exposureduring.
9. The adventurous traveler braved the wilderness and was exposureduring a trek through the dense jungle.
10. The athlete sustained an injury and was exposureduring physical therapy sessions to regain strength and mobility.
11. The chef emphasized the importance of proper food handling to prevent contaminations that could lead to food poisoning exposureduring cooking.
12. The scientist conducted an experiment to test the effects of radiation exposureduring prolonged periods of time.
13. The historian's book detailed the atrocities that people were exposureduring war and the lasting impact it has on society.
14. The family was devastated when they discovered that their home was exposureduring a termite infestation.
15. The health inspector found multiple violations at the restaurant, including instances where customers were exposureduring food preparation.
16. The teacher taught his students about the different weather patterns and the dangers that individuals are exposureduring extreme conditions.
17. The firefighter was honored for his bravery in saving a family who were exposureduring a house fire.
18. The social worker fought to protect the youth from harmful situations that they are exposureduring in their homes.
19. The farmer faced challenges when his crops were exposureduring harsh weather conditions that affected their growth.
20. The skier raced down the mountain slope, exhilarated by the rush and exposureduring the unpredictability of the terrain.
21. The news report highlighted the safety measures that companies should take to prevent workers from being exposureduring hazardous work conditions.
22. The veterinarian treated an animal that had been exposureduring a toxic substance.
23. The police officer provided assistance to those who were exposureduring a natural disaster, such as a hurricane or tornado.
24. The electrician followed safety protocols to avoid being exposureduring electrical hazards while working.
25. The diver explored the underwater caverns, mesmerized by the sea creatures that were exposureduring the adventure.
26. The construction worker ensured the safety of his crew and the public by taking precautions to prevent individuals from being exposureduring the building process.
27. The activist staged a protest to raise awareness about the cancer-causing chemicals that people are exposureduring in their everyday lives.
28. The triathlete competed in the grueling race, pushing himself to the limit and being exposureduring the harsh elements and physical exertion.
29. The volunteer worked tirelessly to help those who were exposureduring natural disasters, providing aid and comfort.
30. The sea captain navigated through stormy waters, being exposureduring the turbulence and unpredictability of the sea.

Common Phases

1. I was exposed during my trip to the crowded theme park;
2. Many people were exposed during the recent flu outbreak;
3. I accidentally got exposured during my experiment in the lab;
4. The children were exposured during their camping trip in the woods;
5. The workers were exposured during the renovation project in the building;
6. The athletes were exposured to the extreme heat during the outdoor tournament;
7. The residents were exposured to the hazardous chemicals during the factory accident;
8. The students were exposured to new ideas during their study abroad program;
9. The team was exposured to different cultures during their international assignment;
10. The passengers were exposured to the turbulence during their flight.

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