Extempores example sentences

Related (5): impromptu, spontaneous, unscripted, unrehearsed, improvised

"Extempores" Example Sentences

1. I was impressed by the speaker's extempores, as they were well thought out and delivered with confidence.
2. At the talent show, several students impressed the audience with their musical extempores.
3. The seasoned debater was known for their impressive extempores that could sway even the toughest audiences.
4. I was pleased with my extempores during the impromptu speech competition, as I was able to stay focused and articulate my ideas clearly.
5. The professor challenged the class to come up with extempores that could present a compelling argument for or against a controversial topic.
6. The comedian was famous for his hilarious extempores, often incorporating audience interaction and improvisation.
7. The politician's extempores were carefully crafted to sway public opinion and gain support for their policies.
8. During the job interview, I was asked to give extempores on why I was the best candidate for the position.
9. The preacher's extempores were inspiring and heartfelt, leaving the congregation feeling uplifted and motivated.
10. The teacher encouraged her students to practice their extempores, as she believed it was a valuable skill for everyday communication.
11. The actor's extempores were so well-rehearsed that they appeared spontaneous and natural on stage.
12. The author's extempores were included as footnotes in the book, providing additional insight and commentary on the main text.
13. The host of the game show challenged contestants to come up with extempores that were both entertaining and informative.
14. The singer's extempores added a unique and personal touch to the performance, connecting with the audience on a deeper level.
15. The trainer coached the athlete on how to improvise extempores during competition, adapting to unexpected situations on the field.
16. The philosopher's extempores were thought-provoking and challenged conventional wisdom, inspiring critical thinking and debate.
17. The doctor's extempores were clear and concise, explaining medical conditions and treatments in simple language that patients could understand.
18. The artist's extempores were bold and innovative, pushing the boundaries of traditional art forms.
19. The CEO's extempores conveyed a sense of vision and purpose, inspiring employees to work towards a common goal.
20. The chef's extempores were delicious and creative, incorporating unexpected ingredients and flavors into classic dishes.
21. The musician's extempores showcased his technical skill and improvisational talent, earning him a reputation as a virtuoso.
22. The inventor's extempores explained complex scientific concepts in layman's terms, inspiring a new generation of innovators.
23. The journalist's extempores were informative and unbiased, reporting the facts without personal opinions or biases.
24. The entrepreneur's extempores were persuasive and convincing, attracting investors and customers to their business ventures.
25. The historian's extempores were detailed and insightful, providing a fresh perspective on historical events and figures.
26. The coach's extempores encouraged and motivated the team, inspiring them to perform at their best on the field.
27. The scientist's extempores explained cutting-edge research and discoveries, making complex concepts accessible to the general public.
28. The therapist's extempores were compassionate and empathetic, providing comfort and guidance to those in need.
29. The musician's extempores were influenced by a range of musical genres and cultures, creating a unique hybrid sound.
30. The poet's extempores used language in imaginative and expressive ways, evoking emotion and beauty through words.

Common Phases

1. I was caught off guard when the boss asked me to give an extempore presentation; I hadn't prepared anything.
2. Many politicians are skilled at delivering extempore speeches; they can think on their feet and respond to any question or situation.
3. The teacher asked the students to give extempore answers to the questions on the board; it was a way to test their critical thinking skills.
4. He gave an impressive extempore performance at the talent show; the audience was amazed by his ability to improvise.
5. I usually prefer to prepare my speeches in advance, but I decided to challenge myself and give an extempore talk at the conference.
6. Some people find it difficult to speak extempore; they feel more comfortable when they have a script to follow.
7. The comedian's extempore jokes always had the audience laughing; his quick wit was his greatest asset.
8. The debate team had little time to prepare for the competition, so they had to rely on their extempore skills to come up with strong arguments.
9. The minister was known for his extempore prayers; he could connect with his congregation in a powerful way.
10. In an extempore performance, mistakes are bound to happen; it's a risk you take when you choose to improvise.

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