"Extrorsely" Example Sentences
1. The flower petals curled extrorsely, revealing the bright yellow stamens.
2. The animal horns curved extrorsely, creating a threatening appearance.
3. The plant tendrils extended extrorsely, reaching for support.
4. The snake's fangs emerged extrorsely from its mouth.
5. The bird's beak curved extrorsely, enabling it to pick up small seeds.
6. The insect's legs moved extrorsely, propelling it forward.
7. The cactus spines grew extrorsely, protecting its delicate flesh.
8. The fish scales glinted extrorsely in the sunlight.
9. The tree branches bent extrorsely, bowing under the weight of the snow.
10. The crab's claws opened extrorsely, ready to catch its prey.
11. The turtle's shell sloped extrorsely, providing it with protection.
12. The whale's jaw protruded extrorsely, allowing it to filter plankton from the water.
13. The butterfly wings fluttered extrorsely, displaying their vivid colors.
14. The artichoke leaves folded extrorsely, revealing the tender heart.
15. The antlers branched extrorsely, creating an intricate pattern.
16. The crabapple blossoms opened extrorsely, drawing in pollinators.
17. The spider legs extended extrorsely, enabling it to spin its web.
18. The lobster's antennae swept extrorsely, searching for prey.
19. The elephant's tusks curved extrorsely, serving as weapons and tools.
20. The kangaroo's tail wrapped extrorsely around a tree trunk, balancing it.
21. The snail's shell spiraled extrorsely, providing protection and shelter.
22. The new moon tilted extrorsely, revealing only a sliver of light.
23. The owl's wingspan spread extrorsely, enabling it to fly silently.
24. The goat's horns twisted extrorsely, growing in a unique pattern.
25. The pinecone scales opened extrorsely, releasing the seeds.
26. The chameleon's tongue shot out extrorsely, capturing its prey.
27. The lobster's claws snapped extrorsely, defending itself from predators.
28. The lizard's tail curled extrorsely, serving as a defense mechanism.
29. The scorpion's stinger extended extrorsely, ready to strike.
30. The seaweed fronds waved extrorsely, swaying with the ocean currents.
Common Phases
1. He projects all his emotions
extrorsely; he never keeps anything inside.
2. She lives her life
extrorsely; always looking outwards for inspiration and motivation.
3. His confidence shines
extrorsely; he never shies away from showcasing his abilities.
4. She communicates
extrorsely; expressing her opinions and thoughts without hesitation.
5. His personality is very
extrorsely oriented; he loves being around people and socializing.
6. She approaches problem-solving
extrorsely; seeking help from others and collaborating to find solutions.
7. His creativity manifests
extrorsely; he draws inspiration from the world around him.
8. She expresses her love
extrorsely; showering those around her with affection and kindness.
9. His adventurous spirit drives him
extrorsely; always seeking new experiences and challenges.
10. She embraces change
extrorsely; never afraid to step out of her comfort zone.