Factious example sentences

Related (7): factional, divisive, schismatic, discordant, contentious, disunited, factitious

"Factious" Example Sentences

1. The conflict between the rival factions grew factious and heated.
2. The factious mob clamored for blood.
3. The group quickly became factious, dividing into opposing factions that argued incessantly.
4. The factious debate split the once united community.
5. Strife between the factious parties soon became violent.
6. The factious disagreement threatened to tear the group apart.
7. The petty and factious nature of the quarrel drove away sensible members.
8. The factious mood in the parliament led to frequent brawls and violence.
9. The issue became so factious that friendships were ruined and colleagues now avoided each other.
10. Unwilling to calm the factious feelings, the politician stoked the fires of discord.
11. The coworkers developed a factious and resentful relationship.
12. The professor disapproved of students that indulged their factious and rebellious spirit.
13. The factious spirit that animated the mob soon turned violent.
14. Though initially containing only different perspectives, the dispute quickly took on a factious tone.
15. The factious spirit in the parliament prevented any meaningful legislation from passing.
16. The factious party rhetoric only succeeded in further dividing an already polarized country.
17. The argument had taken on such a factious spirit that reconciliation seemed impossible.
18. The issue split the group along factious lines that threatened to tear it apart.
19. The factious nature of political debate today discourages moderate people from participating.
20. The petty squabble took on a factious tone, threatening longstanding friendships.
21. The neighbors' factious relationship had devolved into shouting matches and threatening lawsuits.
22. The community leader tried to calm the factious mood before it erupted into violence.
23. Disagreements that begin in good faith can quickly turn factious if left unchecked.
24. The factious spirit of the crowd jeopardized civil order and public safety.
25. The factious nature of the debate arose more from personal animosity than from principled disagreement.
26. Unchecked, the factious rhetoric threatens to poison our civic discourse.
27. The factious leaders relished dividing the community for their own gain.
28. I deplored my friend's factious behavior that only promoted conflict rather than understanding.
29. The factious parties spent more energy attacking each other than seeking common ground.
30. The sports rivalry had become so factious that it threatened the friendships between teammates.
31. He intervened to calm the factious mob before violence broke out.
32. The factious feud had grown so bitter that legal action seemed inevitable.
33. Their factious debates alienated students who wanted to learn in an environment free of discord.
34. Too many allow factious words and deeds to replace principled but challenging conversations.
35. His factious remarks only served to promote discord rather than understanding.
36. The factious spirit that has arisen threatens our shared quest for truth and knowledge.
37. I hoped to smooth over the factious feelings that were ruining lifelong friendships.
38. The factious mood of the crowd soon turned violent.
39. The factious tenor of the discussion soon devolved into name-calling and accusations.
40. She kept her composure despite the factious and hurtful things said about her.
41. The factious nature of the quarrel stemmed from petty pride rather than real conflict.
42. The factious debates often disguises underlying power struggles rather than true disagreements.
43. The factious nature of their relationship made collaboration nearly impossible.
44. Attempts at mediation failed due to the factious bitterness of the parties involved.
45. The factious spirit of the conflict threatened to undermine years of progress.
46. The factious party focus on divisive rhetoric has left real problems unaddressed.
47. She cautioned her students against promoting factious interests that disrupt social harmony.
48. The factious squabble over petty issues masked deeper problems within the group.
49. United we stand, divided we factious squabble over trivial points of disagreement.
50. The factious mood polarized former allies into hostile camps.
51. The factious spirit of the parliament prevented any thoughtful debate of issues.
52. His factious behavior has alienated him from his former allies.
53. The factious logic of their debate threatened to spiral into chaos.
54. The factious spirit in the college undermined what should have been a collaborative learning environment.
55. The factious spirit of the protestors soon turned to acts of violence and destruction.
56. Attempts to resolve the factious conflict were met with suspicion and hostility.
57. Their differences were initially trivial but soon became factious through mutual recriminations.
58. The factious debate threatened to divide friends and colleagues.
59. I cautioned my students to avoid factious rhetoric that appealed to base emotions rather than reason.
60. The factious spirit of the times leaves little room for principled compromise.

Common Phases

1. factious nature - The quarreling had a factious nature that arose from petty pride.
2. factious spirit - The crowd acted with a factious spirit that threatened to turn violent.
3. factious mood - There was a factious mood in the parliament that stifled productive debate.
4. factious tone - The disagreement quickly took on a factious tone due to underlying resentments.
5. factious remarks - His factious remarks only served to promote discord.
6. factious behavior - I disapproved of her factious behavior that attacked others personally.
7. factious rhetoric - The politician employed factious rhetoric to divide the electorate.
8. factious parties - The factious parties spent more time attacking each other than governing.
9. factious debate - The two sides engaged in a factious debate that threatened to tear them apart.

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