Factums example sentences

Related (8): argument, brief, assertion, statement, position, contention, claim, declaration

"Factums" Example Sentences

1. The lawyer presented several factums to support his argument.
2. Factums are crucial in legal proceedings.
3. The judge requested that both parties submit their factums before the trial.
4. The plaintiff's factum highlighted important details of the case.
5. The defendant's factum emphasized certain inconsistencies in the plaintiff's testimony.
6. It is important to prepare a thorough factum before going to court.
7. The factum contained a detailed analysis of the evidence.
8. The factum clearly outlined the plaintiff's legal position.
9. The judge noted the strengths and weaknesses of each factum presented.
10. The defendant's factum raised several compelling points.
11. The factum served as a roadmap for the trial.
12. The factum provided a comprehensive review of the case law.
13. The plaintiff's factum contained several exhibits to support their argument.
14. The factum presented by the defendant's counsel was well-researched and structured.
15. The factum served as a valuable reference tool during the trial.
16. The judge commended both parties for their well-prepared factums.
17. The factum highlighted the key issues in the case.
18. The lawyer spent hours preparing the factum for their client.
19. The factum was comprehensive and persuasive.
20. The judge referenced the factum multiple times during the trial.
21. The factum submitted by the plaintiff provided a clear and concise overview of the facts.
22. The defendant's factum challenged several key aspects of the plaintiff's argument.
23. The factum was an essential component of the trial.
24. The lawyer revised the factum multiple times before submitting it to the court.
25. The factum was well-written and structured, making it easy for the judge to follow.
26. The judge relied heavily on the factum to make their decision.
27. The defendant's factum raised several interesting legal points that were discussed during the trial.
28. The factum included a detailed timeline of events leading up to the trial.
29. The lawyer used the factum to guide their oral arguments during the trial.
30. The factum was an invaluable tool in helping the judge understand the complexities of the case.

Common Phases

1. Factum: The sky is blue; Factum: Water freezes at zero degrees Celsius; Factum: Elephants are the largest land animals.
2. Factum: The human brain weighs around 3 pounds; Factum: The sun is a star; Factum: Goats have rectangular pupils.
3. Factum: Apples are a good source of fiber; Factum: The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world; Factum: Penguins' wings are called flippers.
4. Factum: The Earth revolves around the Sun; Factum: Lightning can strike the same place twice; Factum: Bananas are berries.
5. Factum: Humans have 206 bones in their body; Factum: Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System; Factum: Bees can see ultraviolet light.

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