Failures example sentences

Related (11): mistakes, errors, shortcomings, weaknesses, flops, slip-ups, blunders, collapses, disappointments, defeats, fiascos

"Failures" Example Sentences

1. Failures can be good teachers if we learn from them.
2. My failures have made me who I am today.
3. It's okay to fail, as long as you learn from your failures.
4. I've made plenty of mistakes and had my share of failures in life.
5. His string of business failures taught him to be more careful.
6. Your failures do not define you; how you react to them does.
7. Learning how to deal with failures is an important life skill.
8. Seeing others succeed despite failures inspires me.
9. She viewed her failures as opportunities for growth and improvement.
10. You learn more from your failures than your successes.
11. Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.
12. Don't beat yourself up for past failures. Move on and keep trying.
13. His string of roma failures made him lose hope of ever finding love.
14. Fail often to succeed sooner. Fail forward, not backward.
15. Most of the worthwhile things I've gotten in life are through mistakes and failures.
16. My only failure was not to be able to motivate myself enough to avoid failures.
17. His recent investment failures had left him poor and despondent.
18. Reflect on your failures to avoid repeating them.
19. Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.
20. Stand up after failures and move forward. You can do this.
21. His career was blighted by early failures and misfortune.
22. Each of my failures has taught me something valuable.
23. Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
24. You discover more about a person in an hour of failure than in a year of success.
25. I forgive myself for my failures and imperfections.
26. There are years that ask questions and years that answer. My most fruitful years were when I was discovering my incompetence.

27. Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.
28. I am the sum total of all my failures as well as my successes.
29. Every failure is a step to success.
30. Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.
31. Accept your failures, for they too are a part of you.
32. Failure is an event, never a person.
33. Every delayed success is a disguised failure.
34. Failure after long perseverance is much grander than never to have a striving at all.
35. Every failure is a stepping stone to success.
36. Failures are stepping stones to success.
37. I am proudest of those scars I received in a good cause.
38. Failure is instructive. The person who really thinks learns quite as much from his failures as from his successes.
39. Success and failure seem to be inextricably connected.
40. My greatest failures were when I did not realize how close I was to success when I gave up.
41. Failure does not end anything, unless you refuse to start again.
42. Failure teaches us to number our days, in order that we may get a heart of wisdom.
43. Do not let your failures define you.
44. Failure has more permanent educational value than success.
45. The wise learn many things from their failures.
46. Failure says to me try again in another way.
47. Do not let your failures define you, let them teach you.
48. Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, only this time more intelligently.
49. Learn from your failures, but don't dwell on them. Use them as stepping stones to success.
50. Failures teach patience, humility and wisdom.
51. Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
52. Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success.
53. My greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time I fail.
54. Failures are not fatal, but failure to change might be.
55. If you are afraid of failing, you don't set high enough goals for yourself.
56. Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.
57. Failure is a detour, not a dead end street.
58. Through my failures I learned tenacity and humility.
59. Sometimes we're tested not to show our weaknesses but to discover our strengths.
60. Failure is temporary; giving up is what makes it permanent.

Common Phases

1. Despite failures along the way, she kept moving forward.
2. The failures taught him valuable lessons that made him stronger in the end.
3. We must learn from our failures and mistakes, not dwell on them.
4. They turned their numerous failures into eventual successes.
5. His failures weighed heavily on his conscience and self-esteem.
6. Our failures illuminate the path to success more brightly.
7. Failure is not falling down, but refusing to get up.
8. I'm not afraid of failure, because I learn from every mistake.
9. The biggest failures often have the greatest lessons.
10. Their many failures were due in part to poor planning and execution.
11. Every success story has an untold number of failures behind it.
12. They faced multiple legal and financial failures in the early days.
13. The company's product line has been marred by design failures.
14. Many innovative breakthroughs are born from prior experimentation and failures.
15. Vaccine testing involves numerous failures before eventual regulatory approval.
16. His leadership failures cost the company millions in lost revenue.
17. The mayor blamed bureaucratic failures for emergency response delays.
18. Clinical drug trials uncover numerous drug failures before eventual FDA approvals.
19. Their campaign efforts were fraught with missteps and failures.
20. Widespread processing and shipping failures led to major customer dissatisfaction.
21. The major car accident exposed design and manufacturing failures in the vehicle.
22. The rocket launch was a failure due to multiple system malfunctions.
23. When you fail, reflect on what caused the failure but then get back up.
24. His romantic failures turned him cynical and distrustful of women.
25. Their string of product failures threatened the future of the company.
26. The inspector general's report cited numerous systemic failures leading to the data breach.
27. Business failures can teach valuable lessons to entrepreneurs.
28. Despite market failures, the government subsidized the troubled industry.
29. The failures motivated him to try even harder and succeed.
30. The strategic plan ignored early warning signs and indicated leadership failures.
31. Many government programs fail due to mismanagement, waste, and other failures.
32. From his many military failures, Napoleon learned tactical strategies that would eventually bring him glory.
33. Their engineering failures led to lower quarterly profits.
34. His investment failures left him nearly bankrupt.
35. Government inspections revealed widespread systems failures at the hospital.
36. The software patch was intended to fix bugs and mitigate previous failures.
37. They attributed their election losses to strategic and messaging failures.
38. Financial failures can destroy businesses and livelihoods.
39. Numerous product design failures resulted in the recall of thousands of vehicles.
40. Investors lost everything due to egregious failures of due diligence.
41. Failure should not hinder you but motivate you to overcome and succeed.
42. His failure scarred him for years and hurt his self-esteem.
43. The general gave a speech admitting his military failures and taking responsibility.
44. From our past failures, we learned what not to do in the future.
45. Despite unexpected failures, they kept working to achieve their goal.
46. The report detailed widespread government failures to address the refugee crisis.
47. Failures can be humbling but ultimately make you stronger if you learn from them.
48. Many people achieve success only after numerous setbacks and failures.
49. We must confront our failures to improve upon them.
50. His dreams were crushed by repeated romantic and professional failures.
51. Failure is an opportunity to begin again, more intelligently.
52. Our failures are not who we are; they are lessons to help us grow.
53. When we fail, we learn perseverance, compassion and humble wisdom.
54. Sometimes our biggest failures pave the way for our greatest successes.
55. Their failures were an opportunity to pivot and try new strategies.
56. They attributed the bridge collapse to failures of material testing and quality control.
57. Product failures led to the near collapse of the entire company.
58. Embrace setbacks and failures as motivation to move forward stronger.
59. The military blamed equipment failures for the troop casualties.
60. Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.

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