Fairness example sentences

Related (8): Equality, justice, impartiality, honesty, integrity, objectivity, balance, even-handedness.

"Fairness" Example Sentences

1. The court ruled in favor of equality and fairness.
2. The judge tried to be fair and unbiased in all his decisions.
3. The arbitration panel strived to settle the dispute with justice and fairness.
4. I believe policies should be implemented based on fairness, not favoritism.
5. His sense of fairness led him to take a stance against discrimination.
6. We must demand fairness and transparency from our elected officials.
7. The new law aims to promote fairness in the workplace.
8. The debate centered on issues of racial equality and fairness in the justice system.
9. The legislation was intended to ensure fairness in hiring practices.
10. The teacher demonstrated fairness by giving equal attention to all students.
11. Advocates fought for reforms to promote fairness in the legal system.
12. Fairness and equality should be at the heart of every civilized society.
13. The allocation of resources must be based on need, not favoritism or unfairness.
14. We reject any notion of fairness that harms others for one's own benefit.
15. Fairness is a virtue that we should strive to practice in all areas of life.
16. Fairness must be an essential part of any business code of ethics.
17. The referee demonstrated fairness by calling fouls consistently for both teams.
18. I decided not to participate to keep the competition fair for others.
19. Parents should set an example of fairness and compassion for their children.
20. Fairness is the foundation of all healthy relationships.
21. Fairness requires that we listen to multiple perspectives before judging.
22. The committee aimed to distribute positions with impartiality and fairness.
23. The students argued passionately for a grading system based on fairness and merit.
24. The coach emphasized fairness, sportsmanship and respect for all players.
25. Classroom rules should be consistently and fairly enforced for all students.
26. Employees expect their managers to run the business with integrity and fairness.
27. The ideals of democracy depend on equal representation and fairness for all.
28. The new law promotes fairness and opportunity for underrepresented groups.
29. Recognition should be given based on merit rather than favoritism or unfairness.
30. Education should equip students to promote fairness and compassion in society.
31. No society can thrive without a foundation of trust, justice and fairness for all.
32. We advocate for reforms that will uphold human dignity and basic fairness.
33. Fairness requires impartiality, the absence of favoritism or self-interest.
34. We called on leaders around the world to uphold the principles of truth, justice and fairness.
35. Many protested unfair labor practices and demanded workplace fairness reforms.
36. Treating people fairly means not allowing prejudice or bias to influence judgment.
37. The referee's decisions were perceived as fair, impartial and consistent.
38. Participants expected all contest rules to be applied fairly to everyone.
39. We need to ensure fairness in access to education, jobs and public services.
40. The teacher tried to provide resources to help each student fairly.
41. Fairness should be our minimum standard of ethical behavior.
42. Workers won better pay and fairer treatment after union negotiations.
43. The goal should be a fair share of benefits and burdens for all.
44. True justice depends on impartiality, fairness and equal treatment under the law.
45. Our laws must uphold impartiality, non-discrimination and fairness for minorities.
46. Workers demanded fair pay for an honest day's work.
47. Legislation was passed to promote fairness in education and healthcare.
48. The principle of fairness requires impartial rules applied equally to all parties.
49. She spoke out against unfair labor practices and fought for workplace fairness.
50. There can be no peace without justice and fairness for all members of society.
51. Fairness means giving people what they deserve and have earned.
52. I strive to treat my employees fairly and with respect.
53. They campaigned for electoral reforms to ensure voting fairness.
54. Fairness requires impartial decision-making based on evidence, not emotion.
55. The aim of justice must always be equality, fairness and human dignity.
56. Fairness and impartiality must guide all actions of public officials.
57. The debate centered on issues of equality, fairness and opportunity.
58. We rallied for laws to provide for the common good and general welfare with fairness.
59. Fairness demands that we give people a chance to state their case before judging.
60. The assessment should accurately reflect each student's performance in a fair manner.

Common Phases

1. In the interest of fairness
2. In all fairness
3. Act fairly/Justly
4. Treat people fairly
5. Promote fairness/Promote fairness and equality
6. Be fair/Act fairly
7. Uphold fairness/justice
8. Strive for fairness
9. Demand fairness/fight for fairness
10. Pursue fairness

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