Objectivity example sentences

Related (7): impartiality, neutrality, fairness, even-handedness, detachment, disinterest, open-mindedness

"Objectivity" Example Sentences

1. The scientist strived for objectivity in their research.
2. The journalist aimed to maintain objectivity in their reporting.
3. It is difficult to achieve complete objectivity in subjective matters.
4. The umpire's objectivity was called into question after a controversial call.
5. Philosophers often discuss the concept of objectivity versus subjectivity.
6. The art critic's objectivity was tainted by their personal bias.
7. The accuracy of the data was validated by its objectivity.
8. Despite efforts to remain objective, emotions can sometimes cloud objectivity.
9. The lack of objectivity in their analysis led to flawed conclusions.
10. Achieving objectivity requires a level of detachment from personal biases.
11. Objectivity is an essential component of scientific inquiry.
12. The presence of objectivity in a study enhances its credibility.
13. The decision was made based on the objective data, not personal opinions.
14. Achieving objectivity in the courtroom is crucial to a fair trial.
15. The professor emphasized the importance of objectivity in historical research.
16. Maintaining objectivity in political discussions can be challenging.
17. Professional ethics require journalists to strive for objectivity in their reporting.
18. Objective analysis provides a clearer understanding of a situation.
19. Personal opinions can prevent objectivity in decision-making.
20. A lack of objectivity can lead to biased reporting.
21. Objectivity is difficult to maintain when personal experiences and emotions are involved.
22. Bias can prevent the achievement of objectivity in research.
23. The objectivity of the study was ensured by using a double-blind design.
24. Objectivity is an essential component of good journalism.
25. A balanced approach requires objectivity and consideration of multiple perspectives.
26. The use of objective criteria can prevent personal bias in evaluation.
27. Objectivity is critical in scientific experiments to ensure accurate results.
28. The researcher's objectivity was called into question due to a conflict of interest.
29. Personal relationships can impact objectivity in decision-making.
30. The doctor's objectivity was necessary when making a diagnosis.

Common Phases

1. In order to maintain objectivity; we must analyze the data without any biases.
2. Objectivity is crucial in scientific research; therefore, we must eliminate any personal opinions.
3. Although it may be difficult, we must strive for objectivity when interpreting evidence; this ensures accurate conclusions.
4. Objectivity is essential in journalism; we must report the facts without any personal biases.
5. To ensure fairness and equal treatment, we must approach the situation with objectivity; personal beliefs should not interfere.
6. Objectivity is a key principle in philosophy; we must consider all perspectives equally.
7. In order to make objective decisions, we must weigh all options objectively; without any preconceived notions.
8. Objectivity is necessary in legal proceedings; judges must remain impartial and consider all evidence equally.
9. As individuals, we must strive for objectivity when evaluating ourselves; this allows us to recognize our strengths and weaknesses realistically.
10. To ensure the accuracy of the report, we must maintain objectivity while conducting the experiment; personal opinions may skew the results.

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