Fanning example sentences

Related (12): fan, fanned, fanbase, fanfiction, fandango, fanfare, fanlight, fantail, fangirl, fanatical, fanboy, fanzine

"Fanning" Example Sentences

1. The fan was fanning cool air around the room.
2. The breeze was gently fanning her hair.
3. She sat on the balcony fanning herself with a paper fan.
4. The girl was fanning the fire to keep it lit.
5. The baseball player fanned on three straight pitches.
6. The rumor mill was quickly fanning gossip around the office.
7. Flames were fanning out from under the hood of the car.
8. The wind was fanning the fire, causing it to spread rapidly.
9. The audience started fanning themselves when the star arrived.
10. The mechanic was fanning the radiator to help cool the overheated engine.
11. The smell of the campfire was fanning her memories of childhood summers.
12. The gossip website was fanning the flames of controversy.
13. The performer wowed the crowd by fanning her peacock tail feathers.
14. She was fanning her fan nervously as she waited for him to arrive.
15. Frustrations were fanning tempers across the city.
16. He started fanning bills to build up the suspense.
17. I sat fanning myself with the menu while waiting for the waiter.
18. The actors began fanning out across the stage for the big musical number.
19. Crowds gathered to fan the flames of revolution.
20. The competitive spirit among the students was rapidly fanning out of control.
21. The protesters were fanning the flames of dissent.
22. The judge was fanning through the documents presented in court.
23. The celebrity caused pandemonium as fan girls started fanning and screaming.
24. The audience began fanning themselves as the lights came up on the sweltering jungle set.
25. After running, I sat down fanning myself and gulping water.
26. Smoke began fanning out from around the door.
27. They sat gossiping and fanning themselves in the heat of the afternoon.
28. She began fanning cash to make it seem like she had more money than she did.
29. The scandal was quickly fanning through the media.
30. The interviewer began fanning questions to gauge my reaction.
31. The wind was fanning the flames, spreading the fire rapidly.
32. She sat fanning herself and complaining about the heat.
33. The controversy remained alive thanks to supporters fanning the flames on social media.
34. The injustice was fanning discontent in the community.
35. Gossip was fanning throughout the office like wildfire.
36. The audience began fanning themselves as the spotlight came up on the sweaty performer.
37. The rising tensions were quickly fanning into unrest.
38. The wind was fanning sparks that had landed on the dry ground.
39. Media coverage was fanning the flames of interest in the story.
40. The flames were quickly fanning out from underneath the engine hood.
41. The hostess began fans to circulate air through the crowded tent.
42. The memory of his touch was fanning feelings within her that she'd thought long forgotten.
43. The pamphlet argued that desires were fanning growing discontent among the population.
44. He began fanning through pictures of his former girlfriend.
45. The breeze was gently fanning her hair as she laid in the grass.
46. The humid conditions were fanning frustrations during rush hour traffic.
47. The stench began fanning out as the garbage piled up.
48. The competitive spirit among coworkers quickly began fanning tensions.
49. The wind was fanning the leaves, causing them to dance in the air.
50. The disruptive behavior was fanning out from one child to the others in the class.
51. She sat fanning the fire, trying desperately to keep her tears at bay.
52. The flames were fanning from house to house, igniting each rooftop.
53. The political discourse was quickly fanning unrest across the nation.
54. The crowd gathered to fan the flames of rebellion.
55. Speculation quickly spread and began fanning through the office.
56. The warm breeze was gently fanning her hair as she relaxed on the beach.
57. The crowd's frenzied excitement was quickly fanning into something dangerous.
58. The wind was fanning the flames of discontent in the community.
59. Passions were quickly fanning in the heated debate.
60. The horrible smell began fanning out into the hallway.

Common Phases

Fan the flames - To cause trouble or discord to grow or intensify.
Fanning the flames - Provoking or inciting trouble, disagreement, or anger.
Like wildfire - Something that spreads very quickly and widely.
Flames were fanning out - The flames were spreading and growing rapidly.
Fuel the fire - To cause trouble to grow or intensify.
Wind was fanning the flames - The wind was causing the flames/fire to grow and spread more quickly.
Gossip was fanning out - The gossip was spreading quickly and widely.
Tempers were fanning - People were becoming angrier and more agitated.
Fanning herself - Using a fan to feel cooler or more comfortable due to the heat.
Fanning through - Looking through or glancing through casually or quickly.
The fan was fanning cool air - The fan was rotating and circulating air through the area to make it feel cooler.

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