Fascist example sentences
Related (10): Dictator, authoritarian, totalitarian, nationalist, xenophobic, militaristic, anti-democratic, oppressive, racist, anti-Semitic.
fascism (noun)
- an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
- extremely authoritarian, intolerant, or oppressive ideas or behavior:
- very intolerant or domineering views or practices in a particular area:
authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy, Nazism, rightism, militarism, nationalism, xenophobia, racism, corporativism, corporatism, Hitlerism, Francoism, Falangism, democracy, liberalism, Wikipedia, Legal"Fascist" Example Sentences
1. Critics accused him of having fascist tendencies.
2. The dictatorship put in place restrictive and fascist policies.
3. Fascist regimes typically emphasize strong nationalism and militarism.
4. Many Nazi policies were based on fascist ideology.
5. Historians consider Mussolini's Italy to be the original fascist state.
6. The group of authoritarian leaders made up a fascist alliance.
7. The fascist government suppressed dissent and freedom of speech.
8. He warned of the dangers of fascist ideologies spreading.
9. Some right-wing political groups have been accused of having fascist views.
10. The citizens fought against the oppressive fascist regime.
11. Critics accused him of using fascist tactics to gain power.
12. Fascism threatens democracy and human rights.
13. The boy shouted fascist slogans as he marched in the parade.
14. Fascist policies targeted ethnic and religious minorities.
15. Fascist sympathizers supported the authoritarian leader.
16. Fascist propaganda promoted extreme nationalism.
17. Fascist parties rose to power in several European countries in the early 20th century.
18. The secret police were created to enforce the fascist government's harsh policies.
19. Students protested against the school's fascist dress code policies.
20. The fascist organization promoted intolerant and xenophobic views.
21. Many saw his extreme political views as dangerous and fascist.
22. Fascist rule ended through military defeat.
23. Fascist militias suppressed dissent and political opposition.
24. The leader ruled with an iron fist, employing fascist tactics.
25. The protestors marched against the fascist government policies.
26. Fascist dictators gained and maintained power through oppressive means.
27. The fascist state controlled almost every aspect of citizens' daily lives.
28. He warned that fascist and authoritarian tendencies were on the rise.
29. Dictators often employ propaganda and manipulation as part of their fascist regimes.
30. The teacher warned her students against embracing the fascist rhetoric of extremists.
31. Fascist leaders demonize minority groups to gain support.
32. The professor spoke out against fascist authoritarianism.
33. Fascist policies target academics, artists and intellectuals who oppose the regime.
34. Her remarks accusing the government of fascist overreach sparked controversy.
35. Fascist aesthetics promote imagery of strength, militarism and hypermasculinity.
36. The fascist dictator blamed economic problems on ethnic minorities.
37. The speech criticizing economic inequality was condemned as fascist propaganda.
38. Fascist art promotes the ideals of the regime.
39. Many see the leader's authoritarian policies as fascist in nature.
40. Fascist speech laws criminalize dissent and criticism of government.
41. Fascist tendencies were on the rise again, fueled by economic instability and unrest.
42. Activists protested against what they saw as the fascist policies of the government.
43. The fascist state controlled and censored the media.
44. Fascist sympathizers promoted theories of racial superiority.
45. It was an era marred by violence, oppression and fascist politics.
46. Fascist architecture emphasizes monumentalism and grandeur.
47. He believed democracy could not coexist with fascism.
48. The opposition denounced the government's fascist abuses of power.
49. The dictator implemented policies of racial segregation based on fascist ideology.
50. Critics have warned of fascist tendencies in some right-wing political rhetoric.
51. Fascist paramilitaries targeted ethnic minorities for violence and intimidation.
52. Fascist ambitions ultimately led to World War II.
53. Fascist ideologies often promote racial and ethnic purity.
54. The talk accused members of the government of having adopted fascist policies.
55. The warning against creeping fascism was intended to promote democracy and liberty.
56. Fascist populism exploits fear and anger for political gain.
57. The administration strongly rejected accusations of fascist or authoritarian tendencies.
58. Fascist authoritarianism threatened basic rights and freedoms.
59. Extreme nationalism and xenophobia often characterize fascist ideologies.
60. The comparisons to fascism were meant as criticism of the president's authoritarian policies.
Common Phases
1. The fascist regime controlled all aspects of life in the country.
2. Many accused the government of using fascist tactics to suppress dissent.
3. Their fascist policies violated basic human rights.
4. The so-called patriots were actually fascists in disguise.
5. The protesters compared the new immigration laws to fascist policies.
6. His fascist rhetoric was condemned by human rights organizations.
7. The fascist leader restricted freedom of speech and the press.
8. He described the new law as fascist overreach by the government.
9. The group protested what they called the newspaper's fascist bias.
10. Under the fascist dictatorship, political opposition was not tolerated.
11. She called those who opposed immigration "fascists and xenophobes."
12. The fascist dictator imposed strict controls on opposition parties.
13. The protesters objected to the fascist propaganda in the new school textbooks.
14. He warned that the politician's plans had echoes of fascist totalitarianism.
15. Fascist ideology glorified militarism, nationalism and racial purity.
16. The fascist soldiers marched in lockstep and gave the stiff-arm salute.
17. They marched in the streets to protest the rise of fascism in their country.
18. Many scholars argue that certain authoritarian leaders have fascist tendencies.
19. The fascist government imposed extreme censorship on books and the media.
20. He accused his political opponents of using fascist tactics against him.
21. The government's fascist decrees greatly restricted civil liberties.
22. Critics said the new security laws had worrying echoes of fascist policies.
23. There were reports of torture and disappearances under the fascist regime.
24. Fascist violence and intimidation of opponents was the norm during those years.
25. The fascist secret police arrested and imprisoned dissenters without trial.
26. The dictator's fascist policies sparked outrage and national protests.
27. Opponents characterized his harsh rhetoric as fascist propaganda.
28. The fascists promised to restore order and traditional values to the country.
29. The teachers warned the students against the dangers of fascist ideals.
30. Many historians described the government as fascist in all but name.
31. The fascist general led a brutal military campaign in the region.
32. Fascist paramilitary organizations carried out acts of political violence.
33. The fascist symbolism and rhetoric had troubling echoes of the past.
34. They opposed what they viewed as growing fascist tendencies in the government.
35. Fascist leaders came to power through democratic elections before establishing dictatorships.
36. The extremist group promoted fascist ideologies of racial superiority.
37. Fascist thugs attacked protestors and opposition rallies.
38. Fascist and communist movements arose amidst social and economic crises.
39. Fascist regimes often targeted ethnic and religious minorities for oppression.
40. The heavy-handed security forces were widely seen as fascist enforcers.
41. The dictator banned all non-fascist political parties and imprisoned their leaders.
42. Critics accused him of using fascist tactics in his campaign against crime.
43. Fascist philosophy glorified violence against so-called enemies of the state.
44. Fascists aim to subordinate individuals to the will of the state.
45. He was criticized for using fascist rhetoric to vilify immigrants and minorities.
46. Fascist economists advocated for a corporatist model of state-controlled capitalism.
47. Fascist social policies promoted traditional family structures and gender roles.
48. Fascist architecture adopted rigid and formal neoclassical styles.
49. The rise of fascism in the 1930s was a reaction against socialism and liberalism.
50. Some have argued that the term "fascist" is overused in political discourse today.
51. Fascism drew on ideas from both the left and the right of the political spectrum.
52. The fascist state exerted control over virtually all aspects of society and culture.
53. Fascists advocated violent action in pursuit of political goals.
54. Fascism ultimately failed due to resistance from threatened groups and violent opposition.
55. Many scholars consider fascism to be the extreme right-wing manifestation of authoritarian nationalism.
56. His inflammatory rhetoric and extremist policies led many to label him a fascist.
57. Even opponents of fascism struggled to accurately define its political character.
58. Well into the twenty-first century, fascism remains a potent political epithet.
59. Fascist movements arose in many countries in the early twentieth century.
60. Critics accused him of employing fascist methods against political opponents.
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