Fashionablenesses example sentences

Related (13): Trendiness, stylishness, chicness, elegance, sophistication, panache, coolness, hipness, modishness, vogue, dapperness, glamour, flair.

"Fashionablenesses" Example Sentences

1. She was trying to perfect her fashionablenesses for the upcoming fashion show.
2. With her keen sense of style, she was able to add some fashionablenesses to her wardrobe.
3. Her fashionablenesses were evident in the way she designed her outfits.
4. The fashionablenesses of the new trend made it popular among young women.
5. He had a natural flair for incorporating fashionablenesses in his clothing designs.
6. Her boutique specializes in offering unique fashionablenesses to its customers.
7. The designer's fashionablenesses were trend-setting and admired by many.
8. Their fashionablenesses were often the talk of the town.
9. The fashionablenesses of the outfit were emphasized by the bold colors and patterns.
10. He was always intrigued by the latest fashionablenesses in the market.
11. The fashionablenesses of the 1920s era have made a huge comeback in recent years.
12. She was attending a fashion show to stay up-to-date with the latest fashionablenesses.
13. The fashionablenesses of the outfits on the runway were breathtaking.
14. She had a unique eye for incorporating fashionablenesses into vintage clothing.
15. The designer's fashionablenesses were criticized for being too avant-garde for the average customer.
16. The fashionablenesses in the 1980s were quite different from what we see today.
17. Her blog was dedicated to showcasing the latest fashionablenesses in the industry.
18. His style was infused with vintage fashionablenesses and modern elements.
19. The boutique offered a range of fashionablenesses to suit all personal styles.
20. The designer's fashionablenesses were influenced by the streetwear culture.
21. She was in search of some unique fashionablenesses to incorporate into her wardrobe.
22. The fashionablenesses of the outfit were highlighted by the accessories chosen by the stylist.
23. He had a passion for incorporating cultural aspects into his fashionablenesses.
24. Her fashionablenesses reflected a seamless blend of art and fashion.
25. The designer's fashionablenesses were bold and edgy, appealing to the rebellious youth.
26. The fashionablenesses of the outfit made it perfect for a night out on the town.
27. She was known for her ability to incorporate sustainable fashionablenesses in her clothing line.
28. The fashionablenesses of the dress were accentuated by the impeccable tailoring.
29. The designer's fashionablenesses were influenced by his love for architecture.
30. Her wardrobe was filled with unique fashionablenesses, which she had collected over the years.

Common Phases

1. The current fashionablenesses are all about animal prints; high-waisted jeans; and oversized blazers.
2. She always keeps up with the latest fashionablenesses; from statement jewelry; to bold prints; to trendy shoes.
3. The fashionablenesses of the 90s are making a comeback; think chokers; slip dresses; and platform sneakers.
4. He may not be into fashion himself; but he can appreciate the appeal of certain fashionablenesses; like classic leather jackets; tailored suits; and designer watches.
5. With so many fashionablenesses to choose from; it can be overwhelming to try and keep up; from athleisure; to boho chic; to street style.

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