Fastened example sentences

Related (17): tied, secured, fixed, latched, clipped, clasped, affixed, attached, bolted, glued, bound, knotted, hooked, riveted, zipped, buckled, harnessed.

"Fastened" Example Sentences

1. He fastened his seatbelt before the plane took off.
2. She fastened the buttons on her coat.
3. The nurse fastened the medical tape securely around the bandage.
4. The toddler wanted me to fasten his shoes.
5. They fastened the straps around the cargo to secure it during transport.
6. I fastened the leash to my dog's collar before our walk.
7. Workers fastened the harness to their safety lines.
8. The babysitter fastened the child into the car seat.
9. The repairmen fastened the new roof shingles down with nails.
10. The team fastened their helmets before practice.
11. The inmates fastened their handcuffs before exiting the cell.
12. The diver fastened her weight belt around her waist.
13. Passengers fastened their safety belts before takeoff.
14. The sketch artist fastened the drawing to the easel with clamps.
15. He fastened the ropes tightly around the bundle.
16. We fastened the tent stakes into the ground to secure it.
17. The construction worker fastened the beam into place with bolts.
18. She fastened the lid onto the jar tightly to keep it sealed.
19. The mechanic fastened the new tire onto the wheel.
20. The lifeguard fastened the flotation device onto the drowning man.
21. I fastened the railings securely to the stairs.
22. The mover fastened the furniture down with straps and ratchets.
23. The hunter fastened the rack of antlers onto the cabin wall.
24. The electrician fastened the wires securely to the fuse box.
25. The painter fastened the canvas to the frame.
26. The astronaut fastened herself into the spacesuit.
27. Students fastened their name tags to their shirts with safety pins.
28. The technician fastened the keyboard to the laptop with screws.
29. The mother fastened her baby securely into the stroller.
30. The teacher fastened the lesson plans to the clipboard with a clip.
31. I fastened new wind chimes to the porch roof.
32. They fastened the cargo net securely over the supplies.
33. The carpenter fastened the wooden shelf to the wall with brackets.
34. The hiker fastened her water bottles to her backpack.
35. They fastened bungee cords around the load for secure transport.
36. The soldier fastened his dog tags around his neck.
37. The photographer fastened his camera to the tripod.
38. She fastened her hair back with barrettes.
39. I fastened the sail to the mast before casting off.
40. The farmer fastened the harness to the horse's saddle.
41. The scuba diver fastened the regulator securely into his mouth.
42. The sales clerk fastened the name tag to her shirt.
43. The jewel thief fastened the ropes to rappel down the building.
44. I fastened the fence post firmly into the ground.
45. The courier fastened the package securely for shipment.
46. The customs officer fastened the sticker to the luggage tag.
47. The librarian fastened the book's barcode securely inside the cover.
48. They fastened the jewels securely into the case before shipping.
49. The tire changer fastened the lug nuts onto the wheel.
50. The boy scout fastened the badges to his sash with stitches.
51. The model fastened elastic straps around her high heels.
52. The zookeeper fastened the name tags to the animals' cages.
53. The mechanic fastened the glasses securely onto my face.
54. The surgeon fastened the rod securely into my fractured bone.
55. The hunter fastened the arrow securely onto the bow string.
56. The security guard fastened the badge securely to his belt loop.
57. The florist fastened the bouquet securely with twine.
58. The dock worker fastened the cargo securely to the pallet.
59. The paramedic fastened the neck brace securely onto the victim's neck.
60. The astronaut fastened herself securely into her spacesuit.

Common Phases

1. He fastened his seatbelt as the plane prepared to take off.
2. The carpenter fastened the boards together with nails and glue.
3. The mechanic fastened the lug nuts on the wheel to secure it.
4. I fastened the leash to the dog's collar before taking her for a walk.
5. The astronauts fastened their spacesuits before going on the spacewalk.
6. The paratroopers fastened their parachutes before jumping out of the plane.
7. She had fastened her hair into a tight bun for the interview.
8. He fastened the buckle on his belt, preparing to leave the house.
9. The toddler struggled as his mother fastened him into the car seat.
10. The boxer had fastened on his gloves for his match.
11. She fastened her eyes to the telescope as she searched for stars.
12. The captain fastened his hat before addressing the crew.
13. The instructor fastened the protective mask onto the welder's face.
14. The soldier fastened the strap of his helmet before heading into battle.
15. He fastened the clasp on her charm bracelet before kissing her hand.
16. The climber fastened the rope to his harness before scaling the rock wall.
17. The mother fastened the buttons on her son's coat before heading outside.
18. The lifeguard fastened the floatation device around the swimmer.
19. I fastened the lead to the dog's collar before our walk.
20. She had hastily fastened her hair into a ponytail before rushing out the door.
21. The worker fastened the safety harness to the metal frame.
22. I fastened the blind to the window frame.
23. The explorer fastened ropes around his waist before descending into the cavern.
24. The volunteer fastened the name tags onto the conference attendees.
25. The fisherman fastened the bait to his line before casting into the lake.
26. He fastened a leash to his dog's collar before taking him outside.
27. The tailor fastened the buttons onto the coat.
28. The pilot fastened her seatbelt before takeoff.
29. The mother fastened the winter scarf around her daughter's neck.
30. I fastened the dog's leash onto her collar.
31. She fastened her boot laces tightly before starting her hike.
32. He fastened the child into the shopping cart seat.
33. The trainer fastened the protective gear onto the boxer.
34. The camper fastened his tent securely to the ground.
35. The duck hunter fastened the decoys to the decoy stakes in the water.
36. The prisoner fastened his eye to the small hole in the cell door.
37. The woodworker fastened the two pieces of wood together with a clamp.
38. The nurse fastened the patient's IV line to the pole.
39. The soldier fastened his bayonet to the end of his rifle.
40. The thug had fastened a shank to the end of a toothbrush.
41. The locksmith fastened his tools to his belt.
42. She fastened the buckle on her wristwatch.
43. The hikers fastened their packs tightly before trekking up the mountain.
44. The cowboy fastened his spurs onto his boots.
45. The repairman fastened the shelf securely to the wall.
46. The young mother fastened her baby into the stroller.
47. The electrician fastened the wires together with electrical tape.
48. She fastened the bandage tightly around his forearm.
49. The homeowner fastened the gutter securely to the eaves.
50. The chef fastened an apron around her waist.
51. The soldier fastened his helmet strap tightly under his chin.
52. The mother fastened the child's snowsuit before going outside.
53. The band quickly fastened their instruments before taking the stage.
54. The logger fastened his spiked boots tightly before beginning work.
55. The bank robber had fastened a mask over his face.
56. She fastened the price tag securely to the blouse.
57. The dispatcher fastened his radio to his belt.
58. The maid fastened the curtains to the curtain rod.
59. The quartermaster fastened the drum of fuel onto the truck.
60. The intern fastened the name tag to her lab coat.

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