Featherbrained example sentences

Related (8): scatterbrained, flighty, frivolous, thoughtless, ditzy, brainless, foolish, impractical



  - adjective form of featherbrain



feather-brain (noun) · feather-brains (plural noun) · featherbrain (noun) · featherbrains (plural noun) · featherhead (noun) · featherheads (plural noun)

  - a silly or absentminded person:



"Featherbrained" Example Sentences

1. My featherbrained sister forgot her keys again.
2. The featherbrained character's actions made no sense.
3. Don't be so featherbrained, focus and pay attention.
4. His featherbrained suggestions made him sound incompetent.
5. The featherbrained professor forgot his lecture notes.
6. The featherbrained scheme had no chance of succeeding.
7. His featherbrained excuse did not convince anyone.
8. The featherbrained ideas made the committee laugh.
9. His featherbrained remark had offended everyone.
10. Her featherbrained plans always go nowhere.
11. Stop with your featherbrained explanations and just do the work.
12. His featherbrained attitude cost him the job.
13. Her featherbrained comments annoyed everyone at the meeting.
14. The politician's featherbrained statements made no sense.
15. The featherbrained idea had no chance of working.
16. His featherbrained schemes never made any money.
17. Her featherbrained decisions caused problems for everyone.
18. The featherbrained arguments fell apart under scrutiny.
19. Her featherbrained whims brought chaos into the house.
20. The featherbrained politician's policies achieved nothing.
21. His featherbrained jokes fell flat with the audience.
22. The featherbrained dorm mate's antics kept us up all night.
23. The featherbrained scheme was destined to fail from the start.
24. Her featherbrained whim cost the company a fortune.
25. The featherbrained trainee's mistakes caused major problems.
26. His featherbrained pranks got him into trouble.
27. The featherbrained artist's creations made no sense.
28. The featherbrained gambler lost all his money.
29. Her featherbrained suggestions were politely ignored.
30. The featherbrained kid's behavior drove his parents crazy.
31. His featherbrained excuses annoyed his teacher.
32. The featherbrained employee's errors took hours to fix.
33. I do not have time for your featherbrained requests.
34. The featherbrained ideas were quickly dismissed.
35. His featherbrained theories lacked any evidence.
36. Her featherbrained plan ruined her social life.
37. His featherbrained remarks offended his colleagues.
38. The featherbrained character flitted from one notion to another.
39. The featherbrained comments annoyed the serious students.
40. The featherbrained roommate's late-night antics ruined my sleep.
41. The featherbrained office gossip spread rumors with impunity.
42. The featherbrained boy got detention for his silly behavior.
43. Stop flitting from one featherbrained idea to the next and focus.
44. The featherbrained plan fell apart as soon as it started.
45. The featherbrained excuse was clearly fabricated.
46. His featherbrained schemes will never make him rich.
47. Her featherbrained musings achieved nothing productive.
48. The featherbrained notions floated through his head aimlessly.
49. The featherbrained joke was met with stony silence.
50. Her featherbrained actions jeopardized the entire project.
51. The featherbrained ideas flew out of his mouth nonstop.
52. The featherbrained whim cost him years of work.
53. The featherbrained musings angered the logical scientists.
54. He earned a reputation for his featherbrained behavior.
55. The featherbrained schemes floated through his alcohol-addled mind.
56. The featherbrained campaign promises achieved nothing.
57. Her featherbrained remarks caused an uproar at the dinner party.
58. The featherbrained kid's antics drive his parents mad with frustration.
59. The featherbrained student's answers could not be taken seriously.
60. The featherbrained plot twists strained credibility.

Common Phases

featherbrained idea
featherbrained scheme
featherbrained plan
featherbrained suggestion
featherbrained remark
featherbrained excuse
featherbrained whim
featherbrained antics
featherbrained behavior
featherbrained jokes

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