Impractical example sentences

Related (13): impracticality, unworkable, unrealistic, infeasible, unreasonable, inefficient, uneconomical, nonviable, illogical, unwise, foolish, untenable, unattainable.

"Impractical" Example Sentences

1. Buying a jet ski would be impractical for someone who lives in the desert.
2. Carrying around large diamond earrings everyday would be an impractical choice.
3. Having an indoor swimming pool would be impractical for most people.
4. Keeping a horse as a pet would be impractical in an apartment.
5. Running a marathon every weekend would be an impractical schedule.
6. Taking a vacation every month would be an impractical lifestyle.
7. Traveling by helicopter to work everyday would be impractical and expensive.
8. Wearing high heels while hiking would be an impractical shoe choice.
9. His plan to have no deadlines at work seemed impractical.
10. Her idea to built a jungle gym in the living room seemed impractical.
11. His dream of becoming an astronaut was impractical given his poor eyesight.
12. Her wish to own five horses seemed impractical on one income.
13. Their plan to build an underground bunker seemed impractical and unnecessary.
14. Vacationing in Fiji every month seemed impractical and unsustainable.
15. The proposed ten-minute lunch break seemed impractical for workers.
16. Her hope of retiring at 30 years old seemed impractical and unrealistic.
17. The too-good-to-be-true business opportunity seemed impractical and dubious.
18. Trimming the hedges with a chainsaw seemed like an impractical choice.
19. His hope of commuting by boat everyday seemed impractical given the traffic.
20. Using an axe as a letter opener seemed like an impractical tool.
21. Returning emails within five minutes seems like an impractical expectation.
22. The cotton suit seemed impractical for a job in the rainforest.
23. Asking for real-time feedback seemed like an impractical demand.
24. Using a thimble to hammer in nails is an impractical choice of tool.
25. Organizing work meetings on the beach seemed like an impractical idea.
26. Using a blender to cut vegetables is an impractical utensil.
27. Preparing gourmet meals everyday seemed too impractical for a busy schedule.
28. The idea of weekly family trips to Disney World seemed impractical.
29. Her proposal for a zero email policy seemed impractical for business needs.
30. Using a screwdriver as a can opener is an impractical tool choice.
31. Changing outfits three times a day seems impractical for most workplaces.
32. Working from an exotic beach each day just isn't practical for most jobs.
33. His plan to change careers every few years seems impractical and unstable.
34. Expecting immediate responses to all messages seems like an impractical demand.
35. A self-cleaning house just isn't a practical reality for most families.
36. Keeping multiple pets seems impractical for people with hectic schedules.
37. Taking a nap in the middle of the workday seems impractical for most jobs.
38. Wearing high heels all day seems impractical and uncomfortable.
39. Using a rake as a shovel seems like an impractical tool choice.
40.Buying a new phone every month seems impractical and wasteful.
41. Trying to handle conference calls while jogging just isn't practical.
42. Having a personal assistant seemed like an impractical luxury.
43. Spraying furniture with perfume seemed like an impractical solution.
44. Wearing a suit to mow the lawn seems like an impractical outfit choice.
45. Using a wrench as a hammer is an impractical tool for the job.
46. Insisting on video calls for quick updates seems impractical and unnecessary.
47. Trying to grow orchids in the Sahara would seem impractical.
48. Expecting instant responses from employees after hours seems impractical.
49. Planning a trip to the moon seems like an impractical fantasy.
50. Decorating a piano to look like an elephant seems impractical and impractical.
51. Cooking three-course meals every night seems like an impractical chore.
52. A solar-powered vacuum cleaner is an impractical technology for many homes.
53. Sending emails with 20 attachments seems like an impractical communication style.
54. Asking for 100 revisions seems like an impractical demand.
55. Using a hammer as a screwdriver is an impractical tool choice.
56. Trying to fix a carburetor with crochet hooks seems impractical.
57. Hosting dinner parties every night seems impractical for most schedules.
58. Changing clothes between meetings seems like an impractical routine.
59. Using cornstarch as glue seems like an impractical solution.
60. Composing an opera every weekend seems like an impractical hobby.

Common Phases

1. An impractical solution - A proposed approach that is unlikely to work due to factors like expense, difficulty, logistics or availability of required materials.
2. Impractical idea - A plan or concept that is not feasible, realistic or possible to implement successfully in practice.
3. Impractical choice - An option that is unlikely to achieve its intended purpose or function effectively due to limitations.
4. Impractical plan - A proposed course of action that is not sensible, feasible or workable given constraints such as cost, expertise or resources.
5. Impractical request - A demand or requirement that is unreasonable, undoable or infeasible in reality.
6. Impractical dream - An aspiration that is very unlikely to be achieved due to insurmountable obstacles or limitations.
7. Impractical fantasy - An imaginary scenario that is not grounded in practical realities and constraints.
8. Impractical luxury - An extravagance or unnecessary expense that cannot be realistically afforded or justified.
9. Seem impractical - To appear unable to work or function successfully in reality due to limitations.
10. Be impractical - To lack feasibility, workability or reasonableness due to limitations or constraints.

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