Featherless example sentences
- adjective form of feather
feather (noun) · feathers (plural noun)
- any of the flat appendages growing from a bird's skin and forming its plumage, consisting of a partly hollow horny shaft fringed with vanes of barbs:
- one of the feathers or featherlike vanes fastened to the shaft of an arrow or a dart.
- a fringe of long hair on the legs of a dog, horse, or other animal.
- rotate the blades of (a propeller) about their own axes in such a way as to lessen the air or water resistance.
- vary the angle of attack of (rotor blades).
- turn (an oar) so that it passes through the air edgewise:
- float, move, or wave like a feather:
- touch (someone or something) very lightly.
- (of ink, lipstick, etc.) separate into tiny lines after application:
- shorten or taper the hair by cutting or trimming: