Feeding example sentences
Related (4): nourishment, provision, sustenance, nourishing
"Feeding" Example Sentences
1. Feeding the ducks at the park is one of my favorite activities.2. The lioness was feeding her cubs with a fresh kill.
3. The farmer was feeding his chickens in the barn.
4. The aquarium staff were feeding the fish with small pieces of shrimp.
5. The baby was feeding on its mother's milk.
6. The volunteer was feeding the homeless people in the shelter.
7. The bird watcher observed a hummingbird feeding on nectar.
8. The bee was feeding on the pollen from the flowers.
9. The mother was feeding her child with a spoonful of soup.
10. The zookeeper was feeding the giraffe leaves from a tree.
11. The cat was feeding on a bowl of dry food.
12. The horse was feeding on the hay in the stable.
13. The fisherman was feeding bait to the fish on his line.
14. The toddler was feeding himself with a fork and spoon.
15. The bird feeder was feeding a variety of birds in the backyard.
16. The bear was feeding on berries in the forest.
17. The hamster was feeding on a seed mix in its cage.
18. The squirrel was feeding on nuts from a tree.
19. The beekeeper was feeding sugar syrup to the bees in the hive.
20. The high chair was designed for easy feeding of infants.
21. The insectivorous plant was feeding on small insects.
22. The fawn was feeding on grass in a field.
23. The pet store clerk was feeding crickets to the pet lizard.
24. The monkey was feeding on a banana in the jungle.
25. The goat was feeding on a patch of grass in the pasture.
26. The caterer was feeding guests at the wedding reception.
27. The dog was feeding on the leftovers from dinner.
28. The whale was feeding on krill in the ocean.
29. The bee colony was feeding the queen with royal jelly.
30. The bird of prey was feeding on a rodent it had caught.
Common Phases
1. I am feeding my baby;2. The cat is feeding on its food;
3. We are feeding the birds in the park;
4. She is feeding the fish in the aquarium;
5. He is feeding hay to the horses;
6. They are feeding the cows in the barn;
7. The chef is feeding the guests at the restaurant;
8. The mother is feeding her children dinner;
9. The caregiver is feeding the elderly patient;
10. The zookeeper is feeding the animals in their enclosures.