Fencesorigin example sentences

Related (5): property, boundaries, borders, enclosures, barriers

"Fencesorigin" Example Sentences

1. The field was completely enclosed by sturdy fences.
2. The farmer decided to replace the old wooden fences with metal ones.
3. The neighborhood association voted to paint all of the fences white.
4. She gazed at the fences surrounding the prison with a sense of dread.
5. The dogs barked loudly at the strangers on the other side of the fences.
6. The vines in the garden grew up the fences, creating a lovely natural barrier.
7. The graffiti on the fences was a constant eyesore to the residents of the street.
8. The soldiers guarded the fences around the military base to ensure no one entered without permission.
9. The company is known for their quality fences that last for decades.
10. The students enjoyed painting colorful murals on the fences around the school.
11. The escaping convicts had to climb over several tall fences to make their getaway.
12. The horses in the pasture were free to roam within the confines of their fences.
13. The fences in the park were adorned with decorative metalwork depicting different animals.
14. The gardeners planted flowers along the fences to add extra pops of color.
15. The large fence served as a buffer between the busy street and the peaceful yard.
16. The neighbors agreed to share the cost of building a fence between their properties.
17. The sturdy metal fences kept the cattle from wandering too far from the pasture.
18. The high fences around the zoo kept the animals safely contained.
19. The children used the fences as boundaries for their makeshift soccer field.
20. The wooden fences were in desperate need of repairs to weatherproof them for the winter.
21. The fences separating the two properties were contentious, as both parties believed they owned the land in between.
22. The inmates paced back and forth alongside the fences, longing for freedom.
23. The branches of the trees overhanging the fences provided welcome shade on hot summer days.
24. The tall hedges acted as living fences for the luxurious estate.
25. The fences surrounding the swimming pool were necessary to keep children from wandering too close.
26. The builders erected fences around the construction site to keep curious onlookers out of danger.
27. The little girl gazed up at the fences, wondering what it would be like to fly over them like a bird.
28. The green vines creeping up the fences gave the otherwise drab alleyway a cozy feel.
29. The fences were strong enough to withstand even the fiercest of storms.
30. The concertgoers milled about outside the event, separated from the stage area by chain-link fences.

Common Phases

1. Building a strong fence around the property line;
2. Installing a wooden fence for privacy;
3. Repairing a broken fence post;
4. Upgrading to a steel fence for added security;
5. Painting a white picket fence;
6. Removing an old, rusty fence;
7. Adding a gate to the fence for easy access;
8. Choosing a fence design that complements the house;
9. Discussing fence regulations with the local government;
10. Hiring a professional to install the fence correctly.

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