Fenestrae example sentences

Related (9): window, opening, aperture, loophole, slot, portal, hole, gap, orifice.

"Fenestrae" Example Sentences

1. The fenestrae in the cathedral's stained glass windows were breathtaking.
2. The tiny fenestrae in the wall allowed for some ventilation in the small room.
3. The microscope lens was able to capture the intricate details of the fenestrae in the fly's wings.
4. The fenestrae in the ancient temple's roof allowed sunlight to filter in at certain times of the day.
5. The medical test revealed that there was damage to the fenestrae in the patient's inner ear.
6. The architect designed the building with fenestrae strategically placed to allow for natural light but also privacy.
7. The book described the fenestrae in the stone walls of the castle, designed for archers to shoot their arrows through.
8. The artist painted a beautiful landscape of hills and valleys with small fenestrae in the distant buildings.
9. The spider web had tiny fenestrae that allowed it to catch its prey with precision.
10. The scientist was able to observe the activity of the cells through the fenestrae in the petri dish.
11. The concert hall had large fenestrae to allow for optimal acoustics.
12. The flowers in the garden were surrounded by delicate fenestrae in the metal fencing.
13. The microscope captured the intricate details of the fenestrae in the leaf cells.
14. The apartment had small fenestrae that made the space feel claustrophobic.
15. The hotel room had a beautiful view of the ocean through the large fenestrae on the balcony.
16. The cave was dotted with fenestrae that allowed for a beautiful display of the stalactites and stalagmites.
17. The archaeologist found ancient pottery with intricate fenestrae patterns.
18. The stained glass fenestrae in the church depicted religious stories with vibrant colors.
19. The building had tall fenestrae that allowed for a lot of natural light.
20. The bird's nest was intricately woven with small fenestrae.
21. The decorative panel had a beautiful design of fenestrae in different shapes.
22. The insect's wings had intricate fenestrae that allowed for efficient flight.
23. The old ruin had beautiful fenestrae that still allowed for some natural light to shine through.
24. The artist used fenestrae in the painting to represent the idea of hope and freedom.
25. The spaceship's windows had overlapping fenestrae, allowing for optimal visibility and protection.
26. The caterpillar's cocoon had small fenestrae that allowed it to breathe during metamorphosis.
27. The building's unique fenestrae design won an award for its innovation.
28. The medieval fortress had fenestrae in the wall for archers to shoot through, as well as for ventilation.
29. The glass sculpture had an intricate design of fenestrae that added depth and texture.
30. The cave drawings depicted fenestrae in the sky, representing the constellations.
31. The stained glass fenestrae in the palace shone with hues of blue and green.
32. The building's fenestrae were adorned with ornate metalwork.
33. The biologist studied the fenestrae in the eye to better understand vision.
34. The city's skyline was dotted with buildings that had unique fenestrae designs.
35. The electronic device had micro-sized fenestrae that allowed for the charge to pass through.
36. The cliff dwelling had fenestrae in the walls to allow for ventilation and escape routes.
37. The sculpture had an abstract design of fenestrae that challenged the viewer's perception.
38. The spider used its fenestrae to weave its web with precision and accuracy.
39. The space station had large fenestrae that gave the astronauts a beautiful view of Earth.
40. The garden statue had intricate fenestrae that added detail and texture to the piece.

Common Phases

The fenestrae in the bone allow for the passage of blood vessels; Fenestrae aid in the filtering of fluids by allowing them to pass through; The fenestrae in the capillary walls enable exchange of materials between the blood and the interstitial fluid; The fenestrae in the liver help with the transport of proteins between the sinusoidal lumen and the space of Disse.

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