Fertilisation example sentences

Related (13): embryo, sperm, egg, conception, ovulation, fertilized, reproduction, gametes, zygote, tube, implantation, blastocyst, uterine

"Fertilisation" Example Sentences

1. The process of fertilisation is essential for the reproduction of most plant and animal species.
2. In vitro fertilisation has become a popular method of conception for couples struggling with infertility.
3. The release of sperm and eggs during fertilisation is triggered by hormonal changes in the body.
4. Fertilisation occurs when the sperm and egg fuse together to create a zygote.
5. The timing of fertilisation is crucial to the development of a healthy embryo.
6. Fertilisation can occur naturally within the body or through artificial means such as artificial insemination.
7. A woman’s body undergoes numerous changes during fertilisation and pregnancy.
8. Fertilisation requires the perfect combination of environmental factors and genetic compatibility between the egg and sperm.
9. The fertilisation process is influenced by a range of factors including temperature, acidity levels, and nutrient availability.
10. Successful fertilisation requires the sperm to penetrate the protective layers surrounding the egg.
11. The union of sperm and egg during fertilisation marks the beginning of a new life.
12. Fertilisation can occur both externally and internally depending on the species.
13. During the fertilisation process, the egg undergoes numerous changes that prepare it for implantation in the uterus.
14. The timing of fertilisation is often difficult to predict, making it difficult for couples to plan conception.
15. Fertilisation in humans typically occurs within the first week after sexual intercourse.
16. Some plant species rely on the wind or insects to facilitate the process of fertilisation.
17. The fertilisation process can be influenced by a range of factors including diet, stress levels, and age.
18. Fertilisation is a complex process that involves numerous molecular and cellular interactions.
19. In some animals, fertilisation can result in multiple offspring at once.
20. The process of fertilisation is closely linked to the development of genetic diversity within a population.
21. Fertilisation can occur even in situations where the odds of successful reproduction seem low.
22. During fertilisation, the sperm releases enzymes that help it penetrate the protective layers surrounding the egg.
23. Many environmental factors can affect the ability of sperm and egg to fuse during fertilisation.
24. The timing of fertilisation is determined by a complex interplay of hormonal signals within the body.
25. Fertilisation can be facilitated through a variety of assisted reproductive technologies.
26. Some plants have evolved unique mechanisms for facilitating the process of fertilisation, such as attracting specific pollinators.
27. Fertilisation is a critical step in the evolutionary process, as it allows for the transfer of genetic information from one generation to the next.
28. The success of fertilisation can be affected by a range of genetic disorders and chromosomal abnormalities.
29. Fertilisation can occur both inside and outside the body, depending on the specific reproductive strategy of the organism.
30. The fertilisation process involves numerous checkpoints and quality control mechanisms to ensure the development of a healthy embryo.

Common Phases

Fertilisation is the process by which an egg cell and a sperm cell fuse together; Fertilisation marks the beginning of the development of a new individual; The success of fertilisation leads to the formation of a zygote; Fertilisation can occur naturally or through various assisted reproduction technologies; The timing and location of fertilisation can have important consequences for embryo development.

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