Feticidefrom example sentences

Related (4): abortion, homicide, infanticide, murder

"Feticidefrom" Example Sentences

1. Feticide from the mother's drug use caused the premature birth.
2. The abortion was a result of feticide from the doctor's negligence.
3. Feticide from the car accident caused the loss of the unborn child.
4. The father was arrested for feticide from domestic abuse.
5. Feticide from the mother's illness led to a stillbirth.
6. The victim's family pursued charges of feticide from the perpetrator's actions.
7. The couple struggled with the decision to terminate the pregnancy due to feticide from genetic abnormalities.
8. Feticide from the environmental contamination resulted in a high rate of birth defects.
9. The investigation revealed evidence of feticide from the illegal abortion clinic.
10. The teenage mother's suicide was attributed to feticide from the stress of an unplanned pregnancy.
11. The documentary explored the issue of feticide from cultural norms and prejudices.
12. Feticide from the lack of proper nutrition caused developmental delays in the unborn child.
13. The criminal trial centered on proving feticide from the accused's intentional harm.
14. The rural community had limited resources for addressing cases of feticide from maternal malnutrition.
15. The medical examiner confirmed the cause of death as feticide from strangulation.
16. The religious group protested against feticide from abortion procedures.
17. Feticide from maternal exposure to radiation led to a high risk of miscarriage.
18. The organization provided resources and support for families affected by feticide from pregnancy loss.
19. The prosecutor argued that the defendant's actions constituted feticide from reckless conduct.
20. Feticide from systemic inequalities contributed to poor health outcomes for pregnant women and their babies.
21. The court case debated the legality of charging someone with feticide from harm to an unborn child.
22. The couple underwent genetic testing to determine the risk of feticide from inherited disorders.
23. The study explored the prevalence and impact of feticide from toxic workplace environments.
24. Feticide from forced sterilization policies has been a persistent issue in many countries.
25. The mother's medical complications increased the risk of feticide from premature delivery.
26. The tragedy highlighted the need for better laws and policies addressing feticide from domestic violence.
27. The activists rallied against feticide from sex-selective abortions.
28. Feticide from inadequate prenatal care is a significant concern in low-income communities.
29. The social worker provided counseling to parents dealing with the emotional aftermath of feticide from stillbirth.
30. The organization held a fundraiser to support research and advocacy for ending feticide from preventable causes.

Common Phases

1. The act of feticide from a legal perspective is considered a serious crime;
2. Medical professionals typically perform feticide from a therapeutic perspective only in certain situations, such as when the mother's life is in danger;
3. Feticide from a moral standpoint is often a debated topic, with some individuals believing it to be unethical and others seeing it as necessary in certain situations;
4. Laws regarding feticide from a legal standpoint can vary greatly depending on the country and region, with some areas having strict regulations and others having more lenient ones;
5. Feticide from a medical standpoint requires specialized training and expertise, as it involves terminating a pregnancy in a safe and effective manner;
6. There are various methods of feticide from a medical perspective, including medication and surgical procedures;
7. Fetal anomaly or abnormality is one of the reasons that can lead to feticide from a medical perspective, as it is a situation that can endanger the life of both mother and unborn child;
8. Feticide from a social and cultural perspective has significant implications, as it can be influenced by various factors such as religion, tradition, and beliefs.

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