Dissentiente example sentences

Related (8): disagreement, discord, opposition, contention, dispute, conflict, defiance, resistance

"Dissentiente" Example Sentences

1. The decision was made despite the dissentiente opinions of some members.
2. The group reached a consensus, but there were still dissentiente voices.
3. The board discussed the proposal, but ultimately rejected it due to dissentiente reasons.
4. The political party was split, with some members being dissentiente to the leader's stance.
5. The dissentiente party tried to voice their concerns, but were ignored by the majority.
6. The judge listened to the arguments from both sides, but ultimately sided with the dissentiente party.
7. The company faced backlash from employees who were dissentiente to the new policies.
8. The opposition party was mainly made up of dissentiente members who had left the ruling party.
9. The dissentiente voices were ignored, and the project went ahead despite their concerns.
10. The student council was divided, with dissentiente members unable to agree on a course of action.
11. The candidate faced criticism for not listening to dissentiente voices within the community.
12. The dissentiente group rallied together to protest the unjust decision.
13. The leader acknowledged the dissentiente voices and promised to take their concerns into consideration.
14. The majority party dismissed the dissentiente opinions as unfounded or insignificant.
15. The board meeting was heated, with both sides defending their dissentiente positions.
16. The organization faced a crisis as dissentiente members threatened to leave.
17. The dissentiente members organized a petition to bring attention to their cause.
18. The teacher encouraged the students to express their dissentiente opinions in a respectful manner.
19. The activist group gained support from dissentiente members who shared their cause.
20. The dissentiente voters were a significant factor in the election results.
21. The committee failed to reach a decision due to the dissentiente views of members.
22. The dissentiente voices were silenced by the leader, causing frustration and unrest.
23. The journalist interviewed both the majority and dissentiente groups to get a clearer understanding of the situation.
24. The proposed law faced opposition from dissentiente politicians who believed it violated human rights.
25. The debate was lively, with dissentiente opinions adding depth to the discussion.
26. The company faced a lawsuit from dissentiente employees who claimed to have been discriminated against.
27. The student union was accused of ignoring dissentiente voices and only catering to the majority.
28. The dissentiente members proposed an alternative solution to the issue at hand.
29. The political campaign caused a rift within the party, with dissentiente members breaking off to form their own group.
30. The decision was postponed until further discussion could be had with dissentiente members.

Common Phases

not use personal information;
I disagree with your proposal;
Her dissenting views were not appreciated;
They were the only dissentient voters in the group;
The student expressed a dissentient opinion during the class discussion;
The dissentient voices were ignored by the majority;
The organization welcomed dissentiente perspectives and opinions;
He was labeled as a dissentient after speaking out against the company's policies.

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