Fetter example sentences

Related (9): shackle, chain, bond, restrain, leash, restrict, hinder, handcuff, manacle

"Fetter" Example Sentences

1. The chains fettered his legs and prevented him from escaping.
2. Tradition fettered their thinking and limited their creativity.
3. Money fettered his ambitions and prevented him from following his dreams.
4. Fear fettered her mind and made her unable to think clearly.
5. Ignorance fettered their progress and kept them from advancing.
6. His duties fettered him to a mundane and unfulfilling life.
7. Responsibility fettered her freedom and independence.
8. His parents' expectations fettered his choices and options.
9. Conformity fettered their individuality and stifled self-expression.
10. Prejudice fettered their thinking and made them unable to understand others.
11. Dogma fettered their spirituality and prevented spiritual growth.
12. Apathy fettered their desire for change and progress.
13. Skepticism fettered their hopes and prevented action.
14. Guilt fettered her freedom and sense of possibility.
15. Addictions fettered their willpower and made them unable to escape.
16. The laws fettered her actions and restricted her freedoms.
17. Obligations fettered his independence and freedom of choice.
18. Self-doubt fettered her progress and hindered her growth.
19. Defeatism fettered their ability to envision a better future.
20. His past fettered him and prevented him from moving forward.
21. Materialism fettered their spiritual growth and higher consciousness.
22. His unworthiness fettered his choices and made him unable to act.
23. The ropes fettered the prisoner's hands and prevented escape.
24. Complacency fettered their desire for progress and improvement.
25. Criticism fettered her creativity and made her afraid to try new things.
26. Debt fettered his finances and made him unable to pursue his goals.
27. The shackles fettered his ankles and prevented him from running.
28. Emotions fettered her logic and made her unable to think clearly.
29. Social norms fettered her desire for change and progress.
30. Bad habits fettered her willpower and made her unable to break free.
31. Inferiority fettered her chances for success and fulfillment.
32. Fear of failure fettered his ambitions and made him unable to try.
33. Close-mindedness fettered their understanding and prevented wisdom.
34. Mediocrity fettered their ambitions and made them content with little.
35. Anger fettered her words and actions, preventing clear thought.
36. The chains fettered the slave's wrists and prevented him from working.
37. Denial fettered her healing and recovery from past trauma.
38. Judgment fettered their mercy and compassion for others.
39. Arrogance fettered his growth and stunted his spiritual development.
40. Rigidity fettered her adaptability and made her unable to change.
41. Ideology fettered his thinking and prevented understanding of others.
42. Pessimism fettered their motivation and resolve to act.
43. The talisman fettered the djinn and prevented it from escaping the lamp.
44. Misunderstanding fettered their compassion for each other.
45. Regret fettered her forward progress and made her unable to move on.
46. Dependence fettered his self-sufficiency and independence.
47. Pride fettered his humility and prevented wisdom.
48. Preconceptions fettered their openness to new ideas.
49. The cuffs fettered the prisoner's wrists preventing him from escaping.
50. Disillusionment fettered his hope and limited his vision for the future.
51. Doubt fettered their faith and confidence in themselves.
52. Oppression fettered their freedom of speech and action.
53. The bonds fettered the magician and prevented him from using magic.
54. Limited thinking fettered their visions for positive change.
55. Lies fettered their ability to build sincere, trustworthy relationships.
56. Illusions fettered their perception of reality and prevented wisdom.
57. Fear fettered their love and prevented them from opening their hearts.
58. Close-mindedness fettered their ability to learn and grow.
59. Defeat fettered their spirit and limited their will to fight on.
60. Insecurity fettered her ability to open up and trust others fully.

Common Phases

1. The shackles fettered his leg and prevented him from escaping.
2. Her conservative upbringing had fettered her spirit.
3. The strict rulebook fettered the creativity of the students.
4. The ancient tradition remained unchanged, fettering their progress.
5. His imagination had never been fettered by convention.
6. Her love for her family fettered her desire for adventure.
7. The outdated laws fettered their ambitions.
8. Duty and responsibility fettered his freedom.
9. The system of oppression fettered the entire population.
10. Poverty fettered their opportunities in life.
11. The strictures of society fettered her desire to be heard.
12. Prejudice fettered their access to opportunities.
13. Traditions fettered their spirit of innovation.
14. Financial worries fettered his hopes and dreams.
15. The chains fettered his wrists and locked him in place.
16. Decorum fettered her desire to express herself freely.
17. Fear fettered her ability to make decisions.
18. His anxiety fettered his ability to lead.
19. The burden of debt fettered their upward mobility.
20. Dogma fettered their understanding of the world.
21. The chains fettered the hostage to the wall.
22. Rules and regulations fettered their freedom of movement.
23. Her role as a mother fettered her desire to pursue a career.
24. The fetters locked around his limbs prevented all movement.
25. Conformity fettered her creativity and originality.
26. Fear of failure fettered their ability to take risks.
27. Expectations fettered her desire to follow her dreams.
28. Duty fettered her desires and passions.
29. The leg irons fettered his movement.
30. Preconceptions fettered their ability to think critically.
31. The rules fettered their ability to innovate.
32. Social norms fettered her desire to express herself fully.
33.Old habits fettered his attempts at self-improvement.
34. The ideology fettered their ability to think freely.
35. His responsibilities fettered his spirit of adventure.
36. Prejudice fettered their access to education.
37. The heft chains fettered the prisoner to the wall.
38. Tradition fettered their innovative spirit.
39. The fetters restricted his movements and confined him to the cell.
40. Her duties fettered her hopes and ambitions.
41. The expectations of others fettered her desire to pursue her passion.
42. The constraints of poverty fettered their life choices.
43. The tradition fettered their creativity and progress.
44. His past fettered his hopes for the future.
45. The responsibilities and obligations fettered her freedom.
46. The prisoner's feet were fettered together with heavy chains.
47. Old opinions fettered their ability to learn new perspectives.
48. Concerns about status fettered their ability to be themselves.
49. The demands of the powerful fettered the lives of the weak.
50. Economic necessity fettered her choices in life.
51. Fixed beliefs fettered their ability to grow and change.
52. The chains around his ankles fettered his movement.
53. The expectations of his family fettered his independent spirit.
54. Holding on to the past fettered his ability to move forward.
55. His desire for approval fettered his integrity.
56. Her role as caregiver fettered her plans for the future.
57. The policy fettered their freedom of expression.
58. The burdens of life fettered her dreams.
59. The ideology fettered their ability to think freely.
60. Overthinking fettered his ability to act decisively.

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