Fidgets example sentences

Related (17): Nervous, Restless, Anxious, Twirls, Taps, Paces, Fiddles, Jiggles, Shifts, Shuffles, Wiggles, Squirms, Rolls, Tosses, Turns, Tugs, Pinches.



fidgets (third person present)

  - make small movements, especially of the hands and feet, through nervousness or impatience:

  - make (someone) uneasy or uncomfortable:

  - a quick, small movement, typically a repeated one, caused by nervousness or impatience:

  - a person given to repeated nervous or impatient movements, especially one whom other people find irritating.

  - a state of mental or physical restlessness or uneasiness:


wriggle, squirm, twitch, jiggle, writhe, twist, shuffle, play, fuss, toy, twiddle, trifle, fiddle, restlessness, nervousness, fidgetiness, unease, uneasiness, twitchiness

"Fidgets" Example Sentences

1. The boy fidgets during long lectures.
2. The child fidgets in his seat constantly.
3. He fidgets a lot, taps his fingers, and bounces his leg when sitting still.
4. The puppy fidgets and squirms in excitement.
5. My students often start fidgeting after 45 minutes.
6. Passengers started fidgeting and looking annoyed as the flight got delayed.
7. The toddler fidgets and acts restless due to missing his afternoon nap.
8. The boy fidgeted more and more the longer he had to wait.
9. My son started fidgeting about halfway through the movie.
10. She began fidgeting and playing with her fingers.
11. His fidgeting indicated that something was bothering him.
12. The job candidate fidgeted and seemed nervous during the interview.
13. The defendant fidgeted anxiously as he awaited the verdict.
14. The teenager fidgeted and bit his nails during class.
15. Her foot tapping and fidgeting annoyed the people sitting next to her.
16. The hyperactive animal fidgets and acts jittery all day long.
17. I start fidgeting and becoming restless after too many cups of coffee.
18. My daughter constantly fidgets and struggles to sit still for long.
19. My dog starts fidgeting right before we go for a walk.
20. The long wait made all the customers fidget and seem antsy in the shop.
21. The patient fidgeted and shifted positions constantly on the exam table.
22. The woman fidgeted and kept looking behind her during the interview.
23. As the football game approached, fans started fidgeting impatiently.
24. The nurse noticed how the patient fidgeted and seemed uneasy before blood draw.
25. The toddler started fidgeting more as his bedtime approached.
26. After dessert, children tend to fidget and become hyper.
27. The stressed worker fidgeted and seemed restless as he struggled to meet deadlines.
28. His fidgeting indicated that something was troubling the young boy.
29. Several kids were fidgeting and disrupting class today.
30. Being made to sit still for too long makes him fidget.
31. The prolonged meeting left many employees fidgeting and bored.
32. The fidgety child struggled to concentrate during quiet time.
33. My hyper dog starts fidgeting after too much stimulation.
34. The contestant fidgeted anxiously as she awaited her turn on stage.
35. As the presentation dragged on, the audience started fidgeting impatiently.
36. The young boy began fidgeting more as bedtime neared.
37. The office workers fidgeted and struggled to focus as they yearned for the weekend.
38. His racing thoughts made him fidget and become restless.
39. After exercising vigorously, I tend to fidget and feel full of energy.
40. A lack of sleep makes me fidget and become distracted.
41. The full moon seemed to make our hyper dog fidget even more than usual.
42. The prolonged wait made the already fidgety young child fidget more impatiently.
43. While stuck in traffic, my fidgety son keeps fidgeting and asking how much farther.
44. The over-stimulated toddler exhibited increasingly fidgety behavior.
45. The tourist kept fidgeting anxiously and checking her watch.
46. The candidate fidgeted nervously and shuffled papers during the interview.
47. The long, uneventful car ride caused my hyperactive child to fidget quite a bit.
48. Our inattentive dog tends to fidget during boring activities like grooming.
49. The fidgety young boy struggled to stay seated and stop fidgeting in class.
50. The puppy fidgeted and acted restless most of the day.
51. The fidgety children were fidgeting and stretching the adults' patience on the plane.
52. My ADD often makes me fidget and become restless.
53. The bored, fidgety dog kept fidgeting and whining to go play outside.
54. The preschoolers found it hard to nap and stop fidgeting during quiet time.
55. Staying still for too long tended to make the high-energy child fidget and become restless.
56. My hyperactive nephew is constantly fidgeting and restless.
57. The long wait made the already fidgety toddler fidget even more impatiently.
58. Unable to stay still, the fidgety child kept pacing around and fidgeting.
59. Meditating tends to calm my overactive mind and stop my body from fidgeting.
60. Staying in one place for too long often makes me fidget and feel antsy.

Common Phases

1. She fidgets with her hands when she's nervous.
2. My daughter fidgets nonstop when we go to the doctor's office.
3. The woman fidgets incessantly as she waits for her name to be called.
4. He fidgets with his pen while listening to the boring lecture.
5. The child fidgets and squirms on his seat during the long ceremony.
6. The boy fidgets around, unable to sit still during class.
7. The student fidgets and taps her foot while taking the important exam.
8. The interviewee fidgets with his tie as he answers the interviewer's questions.
9. Watching the horror movie, the young girl fidgets, clutching a stuffed animal.
10. The toddler fidgets on his mother's lap, wanting to get down and run around.
11. I couldn't focus on the meeting because the man sitting next to me fidgeted the entire time.
12. I told my son to stop fidgeting and sit still to watch the movie.
13. The teacher told the students to stop fidgeting and pay attention.
14. During the boring lecture, I found myself fidgeting in my seat and looking at the clock.
15. While waiting at the doctor's office, the patient fidgeted nervously, flipping through old magazines.
16. The anxious man fidgeted constantly as he waited for his name to be called.
17. Watching the insects below, the toddler fidgets on his stomach, kicking the air.
18. The puppy fidgeted in frustration, unable to get to the treat on the counter.
19. The audience fidgeted and whispered, waiting impatiently for the performance to begin.
20. My dog fidgets and paces around when he sees me getting dressed for work.
21. The job applicant fidgets, clearing her throat several times during the interview.
22. The witness fidgets on the stand under the merciless cross-examination.
23. While the professor continued droning on, students fidgeted in their seats and stared at the clock.
24. Static electricity made the child's hair stick up as he fidgeted in his seat.
25. Standing in line, the little girl fidgets, hopping from foot to foot.
26. The dog fidgets in its crate while the owner is away.
27. The actor fidgeted nervously before stepping onto the stage for her solo performance.
28. The lab technician fidgets while waiting for the drug test results.
29. The general addressed his troops, who fidgeted and whispered among themselves.
30. My students always fidget after lunch, making it hard for them to focus.
31. The surgeon fidgeted uncomfortably as he waited for the anesthesiologist to arrive.
32. While practicing her speech, the girl fidgeted, shuffled her papers, and gazed around the empty room.
33. The girlfriend fidgets as she waits for her boyfriend to arrive.
34. The toddler fidgets with the buttons on her coat while her mother pays for the groceries.
35. The boy fidgets, sitting on the edge of his seat with anticipation.
36. The hen pecks at the ground and fidgets, clearly nesting.
37. The imprisoned man fidgeted restlessly as he awaited his trial.
38. Before the speech, the politician fidgeted nervously with his notes and glanced at the audience.
39. While the judge read out the sentence, the defendant fidgeted anxiously in the dock.
40. The child fidgets while sitting still for her school photograph.
41. The suspect fidgeted under police questioning, continually adjusting and readjusting his position.
42. The audience fidgeted and groaned as the clock ticked past the scheduled end time of the lecture.
43. The cat fidgets and paws at a door, clearly wanting to go outside.
44. The teacher noticed a student fidgeting at the back of the classroom.
45. The defendant fidgeted in the witness box as the prosecutor questioned him aggressively.
46. My nephew fidgets when he has to sit still for too long.
47. The restless girl fidgeted with her skirt as she waited for her ride to arrive.
48. The old lady fidgets with her purse as she waits for the train.
49. I noticed the little girl in the back row starting to fidget, a sure sign she was getting hungry.
50. The scientist fidgeted nervously as the reporters bombarded him with questions.
51. The patient fidgeted on the examination table as the doctor left him alone to wait for test results.
52. Principles fidgeted as they waited in the auditorium to hear if they'd gotten the promotion.
53. The co-worker fidgets with his computer mouse while talking on the phone.
54. As the meeting dragged on past lunchtime, participants started to fidget and glance at their watches.
55. The cat fidgets and meows loudly at the window, wanting to go outside.
56. As the phone rang, the girl fidgeted nervously, dreading the call from her parents.
57. The President fidgeted uncomfortably under the reporter's insinuating questions.
58. As my husband droned on about his day, I started to fidget and shift in my chair.
59. On the airplane, the toddler fidgets, making high-pitched noises and kicking the back of the seat.
60. I've never been good at sitting still, so I inevitably start to fidget and squirm when forced to do so for long periods.

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