Restless example sentences

Related (9): fidgety, agitated, uneasy, anxious, unsettled, antsy, jumpy, edgy, hyperactive.

"Restless" Example Sentences

1. The child was restless and couldn't fall asleep.
2. The prisoners paced their cells in a restless state.
3. I tossed and turned all night with a restless mind.
4. The audience became restless as they waited for the show to begin.
5. The horses stomped and whinnied in their stalls, restless for a run.
6. The restless winds howled around the old house.
7. I've been feeling restless and unsettled lately.
8. The homeless man was restless, unable to find a comfortable position.
9. The aging warrior fought to quell his restless spirit.
10. His mind was restless, unable to focus on the task at hand.
11. The ocean reflected his restless thoughts, waves crashing against the shore.
12. A spirit of unrest and restless disquiet seemed to have fallen over the town.
13. She paced the floor in an agitated, restless manner.
14. The nomad's spirit was restless, longing to be on the move again.
15. The vacation did little to ease my aching and restless soul.
16. After a long day, I felt restless and unable to relax.
17. The cub paced restlessly in its too-small cage at the zoo.
18. I laid awake with a restless mind, unable to silence my thoughts.
19. The stray dog sniffed nervously, too restless to stay in one place for long.
20. She sighed deeply and shifted restlessly in her seat.
21. The crowd grew restless as the speakers droned on past midnight.
22. My wandering mind and restless spirit longed for adventure.
23. A spirit of restlessness seemed to have taken hold of the teenagers.
24. The soldier's mind was restless with memories of the battlefield.
25. As I lay awake at night, my thoughts were inevitably restless.
26. I tossed and turned in a restless sleep, plagued by bad dreams.
27. His spirit was restless, longing for some grand adventure.
28. The prisoners paced their cells in a listless yet restless manner.
29. I had a restless night haunted by worries and regrets.
30. Her mind and spirit were restless, longing for escape.
31. The old man was plagued by a restless spirit that would not let him sleep.
32. The mood around town seemed restless, fraught with tension.
33. The deposed king spent his days in a restless exile.
34. The retiree was plagued by a restless spirit that longed for purpose.
35. She sat in a corner and sighed restlessly, eager for the ceremony to begin.
36. His feet tapped restlessly as he waited for news.
37. I felt restless and aimless, longing for some greater purpose in life.
38. The horses neighed restlessly, sensing stormy weather on the way.
39. My wandering thoughts kept me awake in a restless state all night.
40. The children shifted restlessly in their seats, anxious for recess to start.
41. There was a restless anticipation in the air before the concert began.
42. My mind and spirit were uneasy and restless, longing to soar free again.
43. The soldiers paced their encampment in a weary yet restless manner.
44. The spectators grew restless as the game dragged on.
45. The dog paced the floor nervously, its tail swishing in a restless manner.
46. The spirit of the city seemed restless and fraught with anxiety.
47. The exiled prince wandered restlessly, longing for home.
48. The circus animals paced their cages in a restless manner.
49. Her feet tapped an anxious, restless rhythm on the floor.
50. The winds were restless that night, howling around the lonely cottage.
51. His spirit was restless, longing for adventure and excitement.
52. The inmates paced in a restless manner, counting the hours until release.
53. I tossed and turned for hours with a fretful, restless mind.
54. The traveler's spirit was unsettled and restless, longing for the open road.
55. Our souls were restless, longing for some ultimate meaning and purpose.
56. The spirit of the land seemed restless and uneasy, foreshadowing change.
57. The horses stomped and whinnied restlessly, longing to be set free.
58. I spent a sleepless night with a fretful, restless mind.
59. The refugee's heart was restless, longing for home.
60. Her feet tapped a restless rhythm on the floor as she waited.

Common Phases

1. Tossed and turned restlessly - To be unable to sleep comfortably due to a restless or troubled mind.
2. Pace restlessly - To walk back and forth in an agitated or anxious manner due to restlessness.
3. Restless mind - An active or troubled mind that cannot find peace or focus.
4. Restless spirit - An unsatisfied soul or inner being that longs for something more.
5. Shift restlessly - To move repeatedly in an uneasy or agitated manner due to restlessness.
6. Keep awake restlessly - To be unable to sleep well due to a restless mind.
7. Tap restlessly - To repeatedly tap or hit something in an agitated manner due to restlessness.
8. Uneasy and restless - Feeling disturbed, anxious or troubled in a way that prevents inner peace.
9. Long for escape restlessly- To yearn desperately and almost compulsively to get away due to restlessness.
10. Fretful and restless - Agitated, troubled and unable to calm down due to restlessness.

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