Filthinesses example sentences

Related (17): Dirtiness, grime, uncleanliness, smuttiness, squalor, foulness, dishonor, indecency, obscenity, impurity, corruption, pollutant, disease, infestation, messiness, contamination, insanitation.

"Filthinesses" Example Sentences

1. The house was filled with filthinesses such as dirty dishes and garbage.
2. She couldn't stand the filthinesses of the public restroom.
3. The hotel room was full of filthinesses, from stained carpets to a moldy shower.
4. The kitchen was infested with filthinesses such as roaches and rats.
5. The company was fined for neglecting to clean up the filthinesses in the workplace.
6. The bathroom was a breeding ground for all kinds of filthinesses.
7. The city's streets were filled with filthinesses like litter and dog waste.
8. The seedy motel was notorious for its filthinesses.
9. During the inspection, it was discovered that the restaurant had numerous filthinesses.
10. The hoarder's house was a maze of filthinesses and clutter.
11. The industrial site was teeming with all sorts of filthinesses.
12. The abandoned building was overrun with filthinesses such as graffiti and broken glass.
13. The employee was fired for failing to report the filthinesses in the store.
14. She refused to eat at the restaurant due to its filthinesses.
15. The park was strewn with filthinesses after a busy holiday weekend.
16. The pet store was shut down after inspectors found numerous filthinesses.
17. The tenant was evicted for causing filthinesses and damage to the rental property.
18. The public pool was closed temporarily due to a high level of filthinesses.
19. The building's maintenance crew was tasked with cleaning up the filthinesses in the lobby.
20. The dumpster area behind the grocery store was a hotbed of filthinesses and rodents.
21. The farming operation was cited for not properly disposing of its filthinesses.
22. The river was polluted with all kinds of filthinesses and garbage.
23. The nightclub had a reputation for the filthinesses found in its bathrooms.
24. The daycare was inspected and closed after numerous filthinesses were found.
25. The school district was criticized for not addressing the filthinesses in its classrooms.
26. The hospital was praised for its cleanliness in spite of the filthinesses found in other medical facilities.
27. The movie theater was forced to clean up its filthinesses after customers complained.
28. The carnival was criticized for the unsanitary filthinesses in its food booths.
29. The construction site was shut down temporarily due to a high level of filthinesses and unsafe working conditions.
30. The public library was commended for maintaining a high level of cleanliness despite the filthinesses sometimes brought in by patrons.

Common Phases

1. The filthinesses of the city; the dirt and grime that cover everything.
2. The filthinesses of the kitchen; the greasy stove and sink full of dishes.
3. The filthinesses of the bathroom; the mold and mildew that grow in the corners.
4. The filthinesses of the streets; the litter and garbage that line the curbs.
5. The filthinesses of the car; the fast food wrappers and dirt on the seats and floor.

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