Finicky example sentences

Related (6): Picky, choosy, fussy, selective, particular, critical.

"Finicky" Example Sentences

1. The finicky eater only ate a few select foods.
2. The chef had to make the finicky customer's meal exactly to their specifications.
3. The finicky cat would only eat food from a specific bowl.
4. The finicky customer sent back the meal twice before finally approving it.
5. The finicky toddler refused to eat most of the foods offered to her.
6. The finicky designer demanded that the furniture meet his exacting standards.
7. My grandmother was a finicky housekeeper who insisted everything be spotless.
8. The finicky critic only gave glowing reviews to a small number of movies.
9. The finicky child would only wear certain types of clothes.
10. The finicky consumer spent hours researching products before choosing one.
11. The finicky client made countless changes to the design before finally approving it.
12. The neat freak was finicky about dusting and vacuuming every day.
13. The finicky reviewer found problems with nearly every book that passed their desk.
14. Finicky eaters can be challenging to cook for.
15. The finicky investor closely scrutinized every stock before making a purchase.
16. The finicky billionaire demanded that his yacht be kept in pristine condition.
17. The stylist had to painstakingly decide on each outfit to satisfy her finicky client.
18. My boss can be finicky about tiny details in the reports I compile.
19. The hairdresser had trouble pleasing her finicky client.
20. The finicky high roller sent back his cocktail twice before it met his standards.
21. His finicky palette meant he would only eat foods that tasted extraordinary.
22. The housekeeper had to clean every nook and cranny to satisfy her finicky employer.
23. The finicky musician insisted on making minute adjustments to his instrument.
24. My finicky niece will only wear clothes from a handful of stores.
25. The finickyproofreader found errors that even the editor missed.
26. The finicky toddler refused most of the foods on her plate.
27. The finicky astronaut insisted that every component of the spacecraft met specifications.
28. His finicky boss demanded that he redo the report.
29. The finicky diner was never satisfied with his meals.
30. The finicky designer scrutinized every fabric sample before choosing one.
31. The finicky bride spent hours choosing the perfect shade of pink for her wedding.
32. The finicky software programmer checked and rechecked his code for errors.
33. The finicky neat freak dusted and vacuumed every day without fail.
34. The finicky sommelier smelled and tasted each wine before recommending one.
35. The finicky inspector meticulously checked every detail of the construction project.
36. The fastidious housekeeper was finicky about keeping everything spotlessly clean.
37. The finicky curator demanded that the artwork be perfectly preserved.
38. The finicky child would only wear a few select outfits.
39. The finicky gardener fretted endlessly over the placement of each plant.
40. The finicky critic had complaints about nearly every restaurant he reviewed.
41. My finicky boss was never fully satisfied with my work.
42. The finicky reviewer found fault with nearly every book that crossed his desk.
43. The perfectionist was finicky about the appearance and orderliness of her home.
44. The finicky chef tasted every dish multiple times before approving it.
45. The finicky tailor demanded tiny adjustments to each article of clothing.
46. The finicky dog would only eat food from a specific brand.
47. The finicky neat freak dusted and vacuumed each room daily.
48. My finicky friend has very particular tastes in movies and music.
49. The finicky guest insisted that the furniture in his hotel room be rearranged.
50. The fastidious housekeeper was finicky about dirt, dust and clutter.
51. The finicky food critic said he found flaws in every restaurant.
52. The finicky millionaire insisted that his mansion be immaculately maintained.
53. The finicky toddler would only wear certain types of clothes.
54. The finicky diner sent his food back twice before it finally met his standards.
55. The finicky artist demanded that the lighting in the gallery be perfect.
56. The finicky executive insisted that the details on the presentation be flawless.
57. The finicky investor scrutinized every stock before putting money into it.
58. The finicky chef would only use the finest and freshest ingredients.
59. My finicky aunt complained about every restaurant we suggested.
60. The finicky decorator insisted that the furniture be rearranged a dozen times.

Common Phases

1. Finicky eater - someone who is very selective about the foods they eat
2. Finicky appetite - a tendency to eat only certain foods
3. Finicky palate - having taste preferences that are very particular
4. Finicky preferences - choices that are narrow and specific
5. Finicky reviewer - someone who finds fault with most things they review
6. Finicky customer - someone who demands exact specifications and is hard to please
7. Finicky tastes - preferences that are choosy and selective
8. Finicky nature - a disposition that is prone to being fussy and demanding
9. Finicky demands - requests that are meticulous and exacting
10. Finicky specifications - details that are exact and leave little room for deviation
11. Finicky standards - criteria that are strict and particular
12. Finicky eater behavior- actions of someone who is picky about the foods they eat
13. Finicky requirements - conditions that are exacting and strictly defined
14. Finicky perfectionist - someone who demands things meet overly exacting criteria
15. Finicky personality - a disposition that tends to be choosy and demanding
16. Finicky neat freak - someone who is excessively particular about cleanliness and order
17. Finicky tendencies - a proclivity for being particular, fussy and exacting in demands
18. Finicky habit - a practice that is exacting, particular and meticulous
19. Finicky attitude - a way of thinking that is choosy, demanding and exacting
20. Finicky disposition - an inclination to be fussy, particular and exacting about details or criteria

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