Flabbinesses example sentences

Related (5): weaknesses, softnesses, flaccidities, loosenesses, sagginesses

"Flabbinesses" Example Sentences

1. The gym instructor pointed out the flabbinesses in her arms.
2. He tried to ignore the flabbinesses in his belly and continued eating junk food.
3. Her workout routine focused on toning the flabbinesses in her thighs.
4. He was always self-conscious about the flabbinesses on his back.
5. She blamed her sedentary lifestyle for the flabbinesses in her body.
6. He pushed himself harder during his workouts to get rid of the flabbinesses in his chest.
7. Even though she hated the word, she couldn't deny the flabbinesses in her legs.
8. He was shocked to see the flabbinesses in his arms when he flexed.
9. She vowed to never let the flabbinesses in her body take over again.
10. He tried to hide the flabbinesses on his stomach by wearing loose clothes.
11. Her goal was to tone the flabbinesses in her buttocks by doing squats.
12. He was proud of himself for finally getting rid of the flabbinesses in his thighs.
13. She could feel the flabbinesses in her upper arms jiggle as she waved.
14. He was determined to get rid of the flabbinesses in his love handles before summer.
15. Her trainer pointed out the flabbinesses in her calves and gave her exercises to target them.
16. He felt embarrassed about the flabbinesses in his neck when he looked in the mirror.
17. She did yoga to combat the flabbinesses in her abs.
18. He knew he had to cut down on alcohol to get rid of the flabbinesses in his face.
19. Her pants were tight around the flabbinesses in her thighs.
20. He was frustrated with the flabbinesses in his arms that wouldn't go away.
21. She hoped that building muscle would help eliminate the flabbinesses in her body.
22. He was self-conscious about the flabbinesses in his lower back when he wore tight shirts.
23. She was surprised at the flabbinesses in her biceps, despite working out regularly.
24. He didn't mind the flabbinesses in his body because he was comfortable in his skin.
25. She was determined to get rid of the flabbinesses in her abdomen after having a baby.
26. He tried to avoid running because it accentuated the flabbinesses in his legs.
27. She wanted her wedding dress to fit perfectly, so she worked on the flabbinesses in her hips.
28. He felt confident after seeing a decrease in the flabbinesses in his chest.
29. She was motivated to eliminate the flabbinesses in her body for health reasons.
30. He learned to love the flabbinesses in his body as a symbol of self-acceptance.

Common Phases

1. The flabbinesses in my arms and stomach are really bothering me; I need to start working out more.
2. Despite my best efforts, I can't seem to get rid of the flabbinesses in my thighs and hips.
3. I've been trying to tone up my body, but the flabbinesses in my chest and back have been stubborn.
4. The excess flabbinesses in my midsection are making it hard for me to find clothes that fit well.
5. I hate the way my arms jiggle when I wave; it's a constant reminder of the flabbinesses in that area.
6. I'm trying to embrace my body and all its imperfections, but the flabbinesses in my legs are still a source of insecurity for me.

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