Grows example sentences

Related (7): sprouts, blossoms, flourishes, burgeons, expands, thrives, multiplies

"Grows" Example Sentences

1. The plant grows tall every year.
2. My daughter grows more beautiful each day.
3. My love for him grows stronger every time I see him.
4. The grass grows greener in the spring.
5. Knowledge grows with reading.
6. The tree grows bigger every season.
7. Wisdom grows with age and experience.
8. Happiness grows with sharing.
9. Her hair grows longer every month.
10. Time grows shorter as I get older.
11. Understanding grows through communication.
12. The flower garden grows more colorful each year.
13. The story grows more fascinating as it continues.
14. The oak tree grows slowly over the years.
15. Trust grows from honesty and reliability.
16. The weeds grow faster than the flowers.
17. My concern for her grows every day.
18. The rose bush grows new blooms every season.
19. The business grows more profitable each year.
20. My affection for you grows deeper each day.
21. Confidence grows with knowledge and experience.
22. The rose bush grows more beautiful each spring.
23. Anger grows from fear and insecurity.
24. The baby grows bigger every month.
25. The cotton plant grows tall in the summer heat.
26. The cornfield grows ripe in early autumn.
27. The city grows larger with each new building.
28. The oak tree grows slowly but surely every year.
29. Impatience grows with standing still.
30. The sunflower grows tall towards the sunlight.
31. Friendship grows through communication and understanding.
32. Her confidence grows daily as she achieves more.
33. Hope grows in times of despair.
34. The business rapidly grows in the new location.
35. The child grows taller every year.
36. The flowers grow more colorful each spring.
37. The shade grows cooler under the oak tree.
38. My feelings for him grow deeper every day.
39. The grass always grows greener in someone else's yard.
40. My love for her grows more immense every day.
41. The garden grows more beautiful every year.
42. The mint plant grows rapidly in the garden.
43. My appreciation for her grows endlessly.
44. Loneliness grows in solitude.
45. The troubles of the world seem to grow bigger each day.
46. Stress grows from a lack of balance and perspective.
47. The vines grow thicker around the old fence posts.
48. Patience grows through trials and perseverance.
49. Jealousy grows from insecurity.
50. The flower garden grows more colorful in the spring.
51. Bitterness grows from holding on to past hurts.
52. The lilac bush grows more fragrant every year.
53. Hatred grows from fear and misunderstanding.
54. Population grows with technological advances.
55. The stream grows wider after heavy rains.
56. Interest grows from knowledge and curiosity.
57. Experience grows wisdom.
58. My attachment to him grows stronger every day.
59. The oak tree grows taller every season.
60. The ivy vines grow thicker over the stone walls.

Common Phases

Love grows.
Knowledge grows.
Wisdom grows.
Understanding grows.
Trust grows.
Confidence grows.
Patience grows.
Experience grows.
Hope grows.
Loneliness grows.
Anger grows.
Jealousy grows.
Hatred grows.
Interest grows.
Concern grows.
Appreciation grows.
Affection grows.
Common phrases:
Love grows over time.
Knowledge grows with reading.
Wisdom grows with age.
Understanding grows through communication.
Trust grows from honesty.
Confidence grows with experience.
Patience grows through hardship.
Experience grows wisdom.
Hope grows in difficult times.
Loneliness grows in solitude.
Anger grows from fear.
Jealousy grows from insecurity.
Hatred grows from misunderstanding.
Interest grows from curiosity.
Concern grows with familiarity.
Appreciation grows with time.
Affection grows through shared experiences.

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