Flail example sentences

Related (9): whip, thrash, wave, swing, beat, flop, flounder, toss, tumble

"Flail" Example Sentences

1. The boy flailed his arms as he fell into the pool.
2. The fans flailed their foam fingers in the air.
3. The trapped animal flailed desperately, trying to free itself.
4. The drowning man flailed his arms, screaming for help.
5. The injured boxer flailed around the ring, unable to defend himself.
6. The patient flailed on the hospital bed, a victim of delirium tremens.
7. She flailed her arms and let out a scream as the spider crawled across her leg.
8. The knight flailed his mace, desperately fighting off the goblins.
9. The angry mob flailed their torches and pitchforks, demanding justice.
10. The swimmer flailed in the water, calling for help.
11. Soldiers flailed their swords in the midst of fierce battle.
12. The injured man on the rocks flailed his arms, calling for a rescue boat.
13. The tied-up prisoner flailed against his bonds, desperate to escape.
14. The wounded animal flailed helplessly on the ground.
15. The tornado victim flailed in the twisted metal remains of his car.
16. The angry protester flailed his sign in the air, screaming obscenities.
17. The hopeless drowning victim flailed in the current as rescuers looked on.
18. Fishermen flailed in the rough ocean waves after their boat capsized.
19. Children playing outside flailed at each other with foam noodles.
20. Protesters flailed placards and banners, demanding change.
21. The injured athlete flailed on the field, writhing in pain.
22. The mosh pit at the concert flailed wildly as the music blared.
23. The wind caused trees and signs to flail about violently.
24. The disoriented driver flailed the car wildly down the road.
25. Pieces of debris flailed about the tornado-ravaged town.
26. The boxer's battered arms flailed weakly as the referee counted him out.
27. The drowning swimmer flailed ineffectively, sinking beneath the waves.
28. The injured driver flailed as the car flipped end over end down the hillside.
29. She flailed her arms and yelled profanities, throwing a tantrum.
30. Protesters flailed their banners and shouted slogans into the night.
31. The drugs caused the mental patient to flail wildly against his restraints.
32. The wild horse kicked and flailed as it was cornered in the stall.
33. The convicted criminal flailed against his shackles as he was led away.
34. The rabid animal flailed at anything within reach, foaming at the mouth.
35. The tree limbs flailed about in the fierce windstorm.
36. The angry toddler flailed on the floor in the midst of a tantrum.
37. The headbanging mosh pit flailed wildly to the heavy metal music.
38. The flags and banners flailed wildly in the strong breeze.
39. The amateur swimmer flailed hopelessly as she struggled to stay afloat.
40. The boxer's bloodied hands flailed at his opponent.
41. The flailing tree limbs knocked branches and debris from the other trees.
42. Her arms flailed as she struggled to climb up the rope.
43. The man with rabies flailed at anyone who tried to approach him.
44. Soldiers flailed their weapons amid the clash of battle.
45. The madman relentlessly flailed against his straitjacket.
46. The scarecrow's limbs flailed about in the wind.
47. The toddler flailed on the floor in the midst of his tantrum.
48. The injured boxer flailed weakly against the ropes before collapsing.
49. The patient flailed violently against his restraints in a fit of delirium.
50. The angry mob flailed torches and pitchforks, demanding justice.
51. The man with epilepsy flailed violently on the hospital floor, having a seizure.
52. Protesters flailed banners and placards, demanding change.
53. The exhausted swimmer flailed helplessly as she struggled to reach shore.
54. The helicopter rotors flailed the air as it lifted off the ground.
55. The trapped animal flailed around the cage, desperate to escape.
56. The pounding surf caused boats to flail against their moorings.
57. The boxer's bloodied gloves flailed wildly at his opponent.
58. The tornado victim's limbs flailed in the wreckage of his demolished home.
59. The injured swan flailed helplessly in the pond, unable to fly away.
60. The protestors flailed their banners and chanted slogans into the night.

Common Phases

1. Flail away- To make wild, uncontrolled movements or efforts. "The drowning man flailed away helplessly in the water."
2. Flail about - To move one's limbs or body in an uncontrolled manner. "The injured animal flailed about in pain."
3. Flail at - To strike at something in an uncontrolled, ineffectual manner."The trapped fish flailed at the sides of the bowl."
4. Flail against- To struggle against or resist something without control. "The prisoner flailed against his restraints."
5. Flail wildly - To move one's limbs in an uncontrolled, unrestrained, and violent manner. "The child flailed wildly in his tantrum."
6. Flail helplessly - To move in a weak and ineffective manner. "The victims flailed helplessly in the floodwaters."
7. Flail desperately - To make uncontrolled movements out of desperation. "The passengers flailed desperately as the plane went down."
8. Flail ineffectually - To move one's limbs in an ineffective or useless way. "The stranded boaters flailed ineffectually at the rising tide."
9. Flail at/against [something] - To strike out in an uncontrolled way that does not achieve the intended purpose. "The traumatized patient flailed at the nurses trying to help him."
10. Flail arm- To swing or wave one's arms about wildly and without control. "The cheering fans flailed their arms in excitement."

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