Flatulent example sentences
flatulent (adjective)
- suffering from or marked by an accumulation of gas in the alimentary canal:
- related to or causing an accumulation of gas in the alimentary canal:
- inflated or pretentious in speech or writing:
affected, ostentatious, showy, flashy, conspicuous, flaunty, tasteless, kitschy, overambitious, pompous, artificial, inflated, overblown, overripe, fustian, hyperventilated, mannered, flowery, grandiose, big, grand, elaborate, extravagant, heroic, flamboyant, ornate, grandiloquent, magniloquent, bombastic, turgid, orotund, rhetorical, oratorical, sophomoric, highfalutin, posey, pseud, pseudo, poncy, dicty, natural, unaffected"Flatulent" Example Sentences
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