Flippantly example sentences

Related (5): carelessly, trivially, jokingly, dismissively, facetiously.

"Flippantly" Example Sentences

1. He spoke flippantly about serious issues.
2. The interviewer remarked flippantly about the tragic event.
3. She dismissed my concerns flippantly.
4. The host joked flippantly about the contestants' mistakes.
5. The director spoke flippantly of the hardships endured by the actors.
6. The commentator flippantly brushed off the competitor's accomplishments.
7. The teacher flippantly brushed off the student's difficult question.
8. The politician flippantly dismissed concerns raised by constituents.
9. The doctor flippantly waved away the patient's complaints.
10. The lawyer flippantly responded to the judge's questions.
11. The waiter flippantly described the day's specials.
12. The actress flippantly described her grueling experience filming the movie.
13. The teenager flippantly answered his mother's questions.
14. The tutor flippantly explained the difficult math concepts.
15. The journalist flippantly described the poverty stricken conditions she witnessed.
16. The board members flippantly discussed laying off a third of the employees.
17. The moderator flippantly redirected the conversation back to lighter topics.
18. The advisor flippantly suggested taking a year off from school.
19. The guest flippantly remarked on the host's strange decor.
20. The comedian flippantly joked about a recent tragedy.
21. The athlete flippantly talked about injuring his opponent during the match.
22. The bailiff flippantly advised the defendant about his chances in court.
23. The boss flippantly dismissed his employee's request for a raise.
24. The 911 operator flippantly answered the caller's frantic pleas for help.
25. The teacher flippantly remarked that half the class would fail the exam.
26. The customer service representative flippantly responded to the customer's complaint.
27. The judge flippantly dismissed the defendant's arguments.
28. The officiant flippantly performed the wedding ceremony.
29. The doctor flippantly told the patient he had only months to live.
30. The reporter flippantly described the scenes of devastation after the natural disaster.
31. The cab driver flippantly offered advice on the passenger's relationship troubles.
32. The niece flippantly spoke about her ailing aunt.
33. The boss flippantly threatened to fire the employee.
34. The minister flippantly preached about charitable giving.
35. The lifeguard flippantly advised the struggling swimmer.
36. The surgeon flippantly described the risks of the complicated operation.
37. The professor flippantly dismissed the student's insightful comment.
38. The anesthesiologist flippantly prepared the scared patient for surgery.
39. The critic flippantly tore apart the budding author's writing.
40. The talk show host flippantly discussed taboo topics with the audience.
41. The admiral flippantly spoke of sending soldiers into combat.
42. The weatherman flippantly described the impending hurricane.
43. The headmaster flippantly disciplined the wayward student.
44. The landlord flippantly threatened eviction over a minor infraction.
45. The camp counselor flippantly informed the child her parents weren't coming to visiting day.
46. The usher flippantly directed patrons to their seats in the theater.
47. The investor flippantly advised putting life savings into a risky startup.
48. The celebrity flippantly spoke of insensitive remarks that caused public outrage.
49. The choreographer flippantly taught complex dance routines.
50. The estate agent flippantly described amenities of the rundown property.
51. The sales associate flippantly upsold expensive add-ons to the unsuspecting customer.
52. The boss flippantly dismissed their employee's attempts to unionize.
53. The teacher flippantly corrected the student's honest mistakes.
54. The politician flippantly lied to cover up a serious ethical lapse.
55. The relative flippantly spoke of family drama at the holiday gathering.
56. The guest flippantly insulted the host's cooking.
57. The villain flippantly threatened the hero's loved ones.
58. The diplomat flippantly negotiated a tense international standoff.
59. The golfer flippantly boasted about his impressive score.
60. The valedictorian flippantly spoke about success to the struggling graduates.

Common Phases

1. He flippantly replied that he had no interest in the matter.
2. She flippantly commented that it did not concern her.
3. The reporter flippantly remarked that the issue was trivial.
4. I asked her a serious question but she flippantly dismissed it.
5. The official flippantly responded that it was not his problem to fix.
6. Don't flippantly ignore my concerns, this is important to me.
7. The boss flippantly brushed off my suggestion.
8. She flippantly told me she did not want to hear another word about it.
9. The politician flippantly waved away the question about corruption charges.
10. The comedian flippantly joked about the tragic accident.
11. Flippantly making inappropriate jokes shows a lack of sensitivity.
12. I told him not to flippantly dismiss my feelings on the matter.
13. Flippantly suggesting the problem will solve itself shows a lack of leadership.
14. Flippantly brushing aside legitimate criticism only breeds resentment.
15. His flippant remarks showed a lack of seriousness and professionalism.
16. Flippantly joking about a serious issue trivializes the suffering of others.
17. The interviewer scolded the public figure for flippantly dodging hard questions.
18. Flippantly blaming others does not solve the underlying problem.
19. Flippantly insisting it will all work itself out betrays the speaker's ignorance.
20. The teacher scolded students for flippantly answering test questions without thought.
21. Flippantly responding with "whatever" shows a lack of care or commitment.
22. Don't flippantly assume everything will work out perfectly with no effort.
23. Flippantly dismissing legitimate concerns as unimportant shows callousness.
24. Flippantly ignoring reality will not make problems go away.
25. Flippantly promising change with no action shows the promise was empty.
26. Flippantly disparaging others shows poor character.
27. Flippantly glossing over legitimate criticism weakens one's credibility.
28. Flippantly insisting one does not have time to address an issue reveals skewed priorities.
29. Flippantly claiming to have all the answers without evidence shows arrogance.
30. Flippantly repeating unfounded rumors betrays a lack of integrity.
31. Flippantly disregarding facts shows intellectual dishonesty.
32. Flippantly deflecting questions about ethical lapses suggests wrongdoing.
33. Flippantly claiming expertise without demonstrating knowledge betrays ignorance.
34. Flippantly dismissing critics as uninformed trivializes valid dissent.
35. Flippantly blaming mistakes on others shows a lack of personal responsibility.
36. Flippantly insisting nothing is wrong when there clearly is shows blindness.
37. Flippantly insisting everything is fine when it clearly isn't is self-deception.
38. Flippantly accusing others without evidence shows poor judgment.
39. Flippantly minimizing another's concerns shows lack of empathy.
40. Flippantly insulting others shows immaturity and lack of self-awareness.
41. She flippantly dismissed his concerns without truly hearing them.
42. He flippantly passed off responsibility to an underling.
43. The politician flippantly waved aside uncomfortable questions.
44. The flippant jokes trivialized the serious issues at stake.
45. The executive flippantly brushed off legitimate criticism.
46. He flippantly insisted problems would solve themselves.
47. She flippantly deflected questions about the controversy.
48. The teacher scolded the students for flippantly completing their homework.
49. His flippant emails showed a dismissive attitude.
50. She flippantly disregarded facts in favor of her unsupported opinion.
51. Flippantly joking about sensitive issues shows poor judgment.
52. Flippantly ignoring flaws invites disaster.
53. Flippantly minimizing others' concerns shows arrogance.
54. Flippantly insisting everything is fine hints at denial.
55. Flippantly claiming expertise without evidence shows ignorance.
56. Flippantly dismissing problems as unimportant courts disaster.
57. Flippantly waving aside criticism only breeds resentment.
58. Flippantly brushing off concerns betrays a lack of empathy.
59. Flippantly insisting one does not have time for problems reveals skewed priorities.
60. Flippantly joking about tragedy betrays lack of sensitivity and good judgment.

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