Flueflue example sentences

"Flueflue" Example Sentences

1. The flueflue in my throat made it difficult to speak.
2. I heard a strange flueflue sound coming from the engine.
3. My grandmother always used to make flueflue soup when we were sick.
4. The bird's wings made a flueflue sound as it flew away.
5. I could hear the flueflue of the wind as it blew through the trees.
6. I accidentally got some flueflue on my shirt while painting.
7. The flueflue of the water in the stream was so soothing to listen to.
8. I noticed a flueflue in my car's exhaust system and knew I needed it fixed.
9. The flueflue of the curtains in the breeze made the room look dreamy.
10. I couldn't sleep because of the constant flueflue of the mosquito buzzing in my ear.
11. The cat's purr had a little flueflue to it, which made it even cuter.
12. The washing machine had a strange flueflue rhythm when it was on spin cycle.
13. The flute player made a beautiful flueflue sound with each note.
14. The flueflue of the leaves under our feet added a delightful crunch to our walk in the park.
15. My daughter used to chant a silly flueflue rhyme when she was a toddler.
16. The sound of the flueflue in my chimney told me it was time to start a fire.
17. The flueflue of the flag flapping in the wind proudly displayed our country's emblem.
18. The sudden flueflue of the helicopter overhead caused me to jump.
19. The little girl giggled at the flueflue her new shoes made on the floor.
20. The saxophonist's solo had a flueflue effect that gave the song depth.
21. I got a bit of flueflue on my finger and it felt sticky.
22. The flagellant's whip made a loud flueflue sound as it hit his back.
23. I always look forward to the sound of the flueflue my coffee maker makes in the morning.
24. The flueflue of the balloons popping made all the kids jump with excitement.
25. There was a faint flueflue in the air, signaling the arrival of spring.
26. The sound of the flueflue meowed by the cat as I walked past made me smile.
27. The sound of the flueflue in the car's exhaust reminded me of childhood memories.
28. The audience was mesmerized by the flueflue of the harpist's instrument.
29. I noticed a flueflue in my speech, which made me self-conscious.
30. The flueflue of the drone buzzing in the air made me feel like I was in a sci-fi movie.

Common Phases

not worry, I can come up with common phrases using "flueflue" for you:
1. The flueflue of a bird's wings
2. He spoke with a flueflue of excitement
3. The wind made the curtains flueflue
4. The leaves rustled with a gentle flueflue
5. The sound of the stream was a flueflue in the distance
6. The sails of the boat flapped with a rhythmic flueflue
7. The helicopter's blades made a loud flueflue overhead
8. The waving of the flag made a flueflue sound in the wind
9. The sound of the wind chimes was a soft flueflue in the breeze
10. The rustling of pages made a faint flueflue as she turned them.

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